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Advance in Geo-energy Research 今日: 0|主题: 95|排名: 308 

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公告 公告: 严重警告:无理由删除任何关于求助及提供盗版软件下载的贴子 justbetoo 2012-12-27    
赚阳光币:参与AGER期刊活动! 版主推荐 digest  ...2 xinmeng 2017-11-16 105333 qweasd123 2020-9-13 11:12
Advances in Geo-Energy Research欢迎投稿 attach_img xinmeng 2017-10-29 65856 xinmeng 2018-8-8 20:38
【2017,1(3):171-181】Pore-scale remaining oil distribution under different po... attachment agree 宁坤 2017-12-7 2588 宁坤 2017-12-20 02:14
Surfer8初学者中文参考手册 attachment sichuancj 2018-1-29 3426 Jeffrey1231 2018-1-30 08:34
压裂液吸收对页岩气生产及水锁解除的影响 xinmeng 2018-4-3 1751 杰世无双2017 2018-4-5 20:01
AGER期刊 2017年度总结 agree 宁坤 2018-1-8 2723 杰世无双2017 2018-3-11 09:42
【2018,2(1):1-13】Permeability evaluation on oil-window shale based on hyd... attachment 宁坤 2018-1-8 3552 xinmeng 2018-1-9 22:07
AGER期刊1月29日正式全文收录于J-Gate数据库 agree 宁坤 2018-2-2 1659 宁坤 2018-2-2 04:20
【2017,1(3):135-147】Numerical simulations for analyzing deformation characte... attachment 宁坤 2017-11-17 2884 宁坤 2017-12-11 12:38
AGER 期刊1卷1期2期电子版豆丁网下载开通,敬请关注。 agree 宁坤 2017-12-14 1459 宁坤 2017-12-14 05:13
AGER, 2018, 2(1): 1-13 基于水力流动单元的页岩油储层渗透率评价 宁坤 2018-1-9 1675 xinmeng 2018-1-9 22:05
页岩气储层岩石水吸附-扩散实验和数值模拟 agree xinmeng 2019-3-22 0374 xinmeng 2019-3-22 20:51
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 公众号与官方交流群正式启动! attach_img 宁坤 2017-12-20 2609 宁坤 2017-12-21 01:53
AGER, 2017, 1(3): 190-202 原创论文 柳河盆地致密储层主控因素及物性下限 agree 宁坤 2017-12-21 1431 xinmeng 2018-1-9 22:15
【2017,1(1):18-30】Applications of digital core analysis and hydraulic flow u... 新人帖 attachment agree 宁坤 2017-11-12 1429 xinmeng 2017-11-15 20:30
【2017,1(2):124-134】Review on Dynamic Van der Waals Theory in two-phase flow attachment agree 宁坤 2017-11-13 1559 宁坤 2015-11-17 15:14
基于成岩过程碎屑岩储层数值模拟技术 —以渤海湾盆地渤中坳陷Ed1碎屑砂岩储层为例 xinmeng 2018-12-26 1504 qx_wdm 2018-12-26 21:16
综述论文:微生物提高采收率(MIEOR) xinmeng 2019-2-18 1874 gongzhiyuangzy 2022-2-17 11:43
交替聚合物数值模型试井分析方法 xinmeng 2019-1-10 11514 我是老鬼921 2019-1-11 19:00
地热储层热传导和渗透率评价中渗透率各向异性的影响分析 xinmeng 2018-9-25 115934 ssllys 2019-10-18 09:35
基于机器学习方法的原油地层体积系数可靠性预测 agree xinmeng 2019-6-21 0517 xinmeng 2019-6-21 20:10
CO2-咸水-岩石反应对砂岩盖层封闭能力的影响:以鄂尔多斯盆地石盒子组为例 xinmeng 2018-8-8 1660 sydz07 2019-9-3 17:19
AGER, 2017, 1(3) : 171-181 基于CT技术的孔隙尺度剩余油分布机制研究 宁坤 2017-12-13 11170 thl2014 2020-10-26 19:13
【2017,1(3):148-157】Mechanisms of reservoir pore/throat characteristics evol... attachment 宁坤 2017-11-23 1444 xinmeng 2017-12-2 01:59
AGER 最新期部分文章更新 attach_img 宁坤 2017-12-14 1476 宁坤 2017-12-15 15:43
基于StoSAG算法的井网优化研究 xinmeng 2018-3-10 1647 927736436 2018-3-10 15:47
AGER 2018, 2(1): 43-52 含水合物沉积物三轴力学参数演化规律实验 attach_img 宁坤 2018-2-7 1589 我爱发明 2018-2-7 11:32
【2017,1(3):158-170】Using proper orthogonal decomposition to solve heat trans.. attachment agree 宁坤 2017-12-4 0451 宁坤 2017-12-4 00:42
【2017,1(3):190-202】Controlling factors and physical property cutoffs of the... attachment 宁坤 2017-12-21 1355 宁坤 2017-12-21 18:10
【2017,1(1):1-17】A critical review on fundamental mechanisms of spontaneous attachment xinmeng 2017-11-12 1421 xinmeng 2017-11-12 17:35
超临界CO2压裂强化页岩气开采与CO2地质封存一体化技术:结果、现状和挑战 xinmeng 2019-6-2 15228 sydz07 2019-9-3 17:26
【2017,1(1):64-68】The study of relative permeability and residual gas satura... attachment 宁坤 2017-11-12 1401 宁坤 2017-11-13 00:35
水力压裂裂缝对复合地层压裂水平井的影响分析 xinmeng 2018-7-24 1637 love1217 2018-7-25 11:43
【2017,1(2):86-92】A new model for calculating permeability of natural fractu... attachment 宁坤 2017-11-13 1385 宁坤 2017-11-13 00:03
【2017,1(2):93-99】A study of correlation between permeability and pore space... attachment agree 宁坤 2017-11-13 0412 宁坤 2017-11-13 00:07
【2017,1(2):105-111】The new method on gas-water two phase steady-state produ... attachment agree 宁坤 2017-11-13 0374 宁坤 2017-11-13 00:13
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