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油气开采 今日: 0|主题: 1180|排名: 5 


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2011-2015年中国油气工程行业发展前景与投资战略规划分析报告 pengchengjiaofu 2012-2-16 21134 chutianshu 2014-7-13 20:47
地震反演讲稿 attachment 1623498163 2012-1-31 41399 chutianshu 2014-7-13 20:47
生产动态分析中的压力分布 ych89743244a 2012-2-3 61753 chutianshu 2014-7-13 20:46
我国钻井液技术发展中的几个问题 attachment yangjiaqi 2009-3-10 41377 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:20
以细分挖潜为目标研究应用偏心集成细分注水技术PPT attachment agree yiwei2004 2009-2-18 71962 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:19
地层产气 attachment xueshujiaoliu 2009-1-8 21206 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:19
地应力分析在江汉薄油层压裂过程中的应用 attachment yiwei2004 2008-12-18 41804 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:18
第一届世界稠油大会9 Drilling and Completions 共有9篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-7 31886 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:16
第一届世界稠油大会Technical Paper 7 Field Facilities共有13篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-7 42010 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:15
第一届世界稠油大会Technical Paper 5共有6篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-5 31535 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:15
采油技术手册 防砂技术 attachment peoplechqd 2011-8-29 31450 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:14
低渗透水平井压裂技术.pdf attachment fengxll 2009-8-29 51782 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:13
低渗透油藏试井分析 attach_img agree peoebe 2012-2-10 11589 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:12
第一届世界稠油大会2 共有7篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-5 21417 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:11
第一届世界稠油大会Technical Paper 6共有22篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-5 42659 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:11
火山岩气藏数值模拟研究 attach_img 1623498163 2012-1-31 11379 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:10
Summary of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery attachment taotao477 2012-1-25 41656 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:09
石油开采系统 attach_img  ...2 qxuke 2012-1-10 102218 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:08
采油工程概论 attachment jiaoguoying 2011-3-25 31665 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:08
采油工程知识题库 attachment ohgoodwill 2010-8-6 51800 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:06
创新引进恳请各位前辈、厂家出主意、发材料! zhangzhang 2011-11-12 31330 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:06
杆管偏磨机理模拟研究与防治措施 attachment devilyang 2011-10-28 41424 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:05
石油专业词汇 attachment alexli7 2008-12-23 72065 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:05
New Fracturing Fluid Concepts attach_img taotao477 2012-1-29 21167 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:04
大庆油田  注水指示曲线的绘制和分析视频 attachment xdw2008220 2009-6-5 81974 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:03
不同地质条件下提高采收率的方法 attachment ohgoodwill 2010-9-1 31254 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:03
Rheological behaviour of colloidal dispersions of hydrophobic polyelectrolytes attachment taotao477 2011-10-20 11177 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:02
第一届世界稠油大会Technical Paper 4共有12篇论文 attachment agree fortune860101 2011-10-5 11406 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:01
A novel viscoelastic system from a cationic surfactant attachment taotao477 2011-9-23 21364 chutianshu 2014-7-12 19:00
油气水三相模型 attachment shuikou 2009-3-29 21411 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:59
抽油机问题 xzhsxyxzh177 2009-11-27 31317 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:58
通过注水井分层注水量计算采油井分层产液-油-量的方法探讨 attachment zizhushizhe 2011-8-25 21623 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:58
油田开发论文集 attachment peoplechqd 2011-8-29 21462 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:58
油气田开发-国外资料 attachment admin 2008-11-8 81920 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:50
驱油用表面活性剂综述 attachment nifangtian 2009-3-20 31805 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:49
泄油半径算法 attach_img yushan 2011-10-19 11413 chutianshu 2014-7-12 18:48
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