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国外硕博论文 今日: 0|主题: 118|排名: 52 


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2016油气田勘探与开发国际会议征文 sn0108 2015-10-20 0737 sn0108 2015-10-20 15:49
【英文博士】Efficient Simulation of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes attach_img digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 32274 wuzhiwuwei 2015-8-3 10:59
2001-D-VAPEX-界面传质 attachment swpuwangchong 2015-7-25 0821 swpuwangchong 2015-7-25 17:26
An Advisory System For Selecting Drilling Technologies and Methods attachment 管埋员 2014-10-29 3795 pengzhgg 2015-6-30 16:03
Production decline analysis of horizontal well in gas shale reservoirs. attachment bestsunshine 2015-5-29 01194 bestsunshine 2015-5-29 19:29
[英文博士1979]水蒸汽的相对渗透率 attach_img digest agree 管埋员 2011-8-2 83019 摩羯·怒风 2015-5-20 22:50
【国外博士】An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous attachment fort_yao 2012-3-5 52295 摩羯·怒风 2015-5-20 22:49
【英文博士2010】 Spatial Problems in the Earth Sc attach_img digest fort_yao 2012-3-5 31568 qiangwei2014 2015-5-16 22:51
文献求助 zhangxuejiao123 2015-4-17 0810 zhangxuejiao123 2015-4-17 08:52
经典[英文博士2002]常规模拟器的开发 attach_img justbetoo 手机认证 2011-7-26 21840 liuyx_6 2015-1-3 21:09
凝析气藏试井分析-英文 attachment dbjsydx 2012-9-13 21553 淘气小子 2014-12-31 08:03
期刊文献资源账号 attachment  ...2 fengfengzhou 手机认证 2012-5-5 123211 dark645999667 2014-10-5 14:04
求关于压裂液香豆胶的相关硕博论文 新人帖 928820037 2014-8-30 0886 928820037 2014-8-30 20:27
(PHD)Non-Uniform SAGD Steam Chambers:Evolution, Control, and Optimization attach_img agree dream 2013-12-30 51488 petrowoman 2014-8-14 10:08
向大神膜拜! feng08296 2013-7-1 41170 theanswer003 2014-8-7 20:56
【国外硕士】Simulation Breakthrough Time and Optimum Horizontal Well Location in attachment digest fort_yao 2012-3-6 12031 petrowoman 2014-6-30 19:46
英文博士论文-temperature prediction model for a producing horziontal well - attach_img digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 21731 特别感兴趣 2013-12-7 19:31
企业管理、经济金融类期刊收稿 新人帖 1255807623 2013-9-22 0876 1255807623 2013-9-22 17:41
〖硕士论文2010〗Proposal of a Rapid Model Updating and Feedback Control Schem... attachment 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 0985 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 19:42
〖博士论文2010〗Feedback Control of Polymer Flooding Process Considering Geol... attachment 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 0979 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 19:40
〖硕士论文2010〗A Polymer Hydrolysis Model and its Application to Chemical EOR attachment 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 0969 书呆7夜 2013-6-20 19:35
[英文博士2009]Thermal Adaptive Implicit Reservoir Simulation attachment digest 管埋员 2011-8-18 22541 murongyunjie 2013-5-15 08:15
Stanford University Master Thesis about Cyclic Steaming attachment 汪叶舟 2013-3-12 31025 zzhhoubin 2013-5-14 09:32
经典英文硕士学位论文-inflow performance relationships for solution-gas drive wel attach_img digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 21853 liuqingjun8 2013-5-7 12:21
【国外硕士】Optimization of Well Design and Location in a Real Field attach_img digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 62239 zhuhouqin 2013-4-23 16:30
英语博士论文 attachment wanliuliu 2012-5-19 31736 浪漫弧线 2013-3-18 17:44
国外博士论文2012年-modeling the fluid flow of carbon dioxide through permeable attach_img digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 52410 dragon 2013-1-16 10:54
国外物探中油气检测的论文 lemon357 2012-10-30 21380 chenzhen_196687 2012-12-13 10:02
-------版主评阅线-严禁回复-------- justbetoo 手机认证 2012-12-9 11105 justbetoo 2012-12-12 13:42
发表论文的问题~ nishanisha 2012-12-11 51334 nishanisha 2012-12-11 21:02
【国外博士】Near-Well Upscaling for Two and Three-Phase Flows attachment digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 32192 buyi0452 2012-11-26 15:29
【国外博士】Streamline-Based Simulation of Two-Phase, Multicomponent Flow in Por attachment digest agree fort_yao 2012-3-5 72481 kkkcup 2012-8-15 10:56
油藏开发效果及井组技术政策界限研究 huangxiangfeng 2012-5-23 21940 zhouying2015 2012-7-9 19:27
国外学位论文 attachment admin 2008-12-30 53580 小当家 2012-7-8 08:39
[英文博士2010]Algebraic Multiscale Finite Volume Methods。。。 attachment digest 管埋员 2011-8-25 22616 feizai123 2012-5-30 18:00
[英文硕士2011]近井损伤地层渗透率估计 attach_img digest 管埋员 2011-8-14 33176 页岩气2012 2012-5-19 06:02
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