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【国外博士】An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-7-18 09:08
  • 签到天数: 435 天


    发表于 2012-3-5 23:34:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 fort_yao 于 2012-3-6 20:14 编辑

    An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous Porous Media.part2.rar (1.34 MB, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 10 阳光币)

    An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous Porous Media.part1.rar (5 MB, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 10 阳光币)

    Title:An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous Porous Media

    Author:David Clifton Brock



    The recovery of petroleum by the use of miscible solvent injection is strongly influenced by conditions causing inefficient sweep. An important mechanism leading to incomplete sweep of a reservoir is flow instability due to viscous fingering and reservoir heterogeneity. Although research has been conducted on viscous fingers and heterogeneity separately, little is known about their combined effect.

    The growth of viscous fingers in heterogeneous porous media was examined using flow visualization experiments in four different glass bead packs with different permeability heterogeneities: a uniform permeability model, one with two equal-width layers in the flow direction, one with a thin, high permeability streak in the flow direction, and one with blocks of different permeabilities. The experiments were compared with numerical simulations, paying particular attention to finger growth mechanisms, finger sizes and locations, and numbers of fingers.

    In near-homogeneous model displacements, fingers were observed to grow through the mechanisms of spreading, splitting, shielding, and coalescence. In all experiments, shielding and coalescence acted to reduce the number of fingers as flow progressed. Analysis of pressure distributions in and around fingers indicates that viscous crossflow was the driving force for the finger growth mechanisms. Simulations of the experiments yielded finger patterns similar to those observed in the experiments. Fingers in simulations grew with the same mechanisms identified in the experiments. Simulated fingers, however, contained uniformly high concentrations of injected fluid, while experimental fingers were more diffuse. The discrepancy could be due to edge flow in the model. The general agreement over a variety of mobility ratios and rates indicates that the simulator used captures the essential features of the physics of finger growth.
    In heterogeneous permeability fields, locations of fingers were largely determined by the pattern of heterogeneity. In the model with two thick layers and the model with blocks of different permeabilities, a pattern of viscous fingers was superimposed on the fronts. The model with a thin, high permeability streak showed very little viscous fingering because the width of the layer was small. Thus, the geometry had a significant effect on the level of viscous fingering. In the heterogeneous cases, simulations yielded finger patterns remarkably similar to those observed in experiments. In particular, simulations reproduced the concept of viscous fingers overlain on flow affected by permeability heterogeneity. Thus, the simulator used also reproduces the physics of finger growth in heterogeneous systems.

    A new method is also presented for estimating the distributed permeabilities in a flow field. Measurements of the motion of frontal contours from a matched mobility displacement were used to estimate the local variations of permeability in the models used in this work. That method is general enough to be used in the analysis of other experimental systems.

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