TA的每日心情 | 开心 2014-1-11 00:20 |
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楼主 |
发表于 2015-2-12 09:16:36
from the article by Paul Petrone
At one point, Collins writes (Good to Great):
Indeed, for those of you with a strong, charismatic personality, it is worthwhile to consider the idea that charisma can be as much a liability as an asset. Your strength of personality can sow the seeds of problems, when people filter the brutal facts from you. You can overcome the liabilities of having charisma, but it does require conscious attention. Understanding Collins’ Point
In the book, Collins states that there are three primary liabilities to having a charismatic CEO:
- People begin to make decisions to please the leader, instead of doing what’s right for the business.
- Too many people instinctively take a back-seat to the charismatic leader, so ideas are coming primarily from one person. And one brain is less than multiple brains.
- Even if the charismatic leader is successful, once they leave, the company crumbles because everything is so dependent upon them.