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    发表于 2016-1-3 22:07:16 | 显示全部楼层
    smartdou 发表于 2015-12-30 10:19
    为什么齐老师已经在二维径向渗流和三维渗流过程中分别定义了q和Q为渗流强度,而我认 ...



    我想齐成伟老师会认真思考本人所提出了几个渗流力学中困扰我们的理论问题。本身齐老师的论文发出就是让大家讨论的。本人没有任何人生攻击和贬低齐老师的意思。  发表于 2016-1-3 22:51


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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-3 22:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-3 22:54 编辑
    霸王别姬 发表于 2016-1-3 22:07

           如果各位有兴趣了解科学与伪科学的话,请参看本人以前的一篇博文。 《科学和伪科学》http://www.sunpetro.cn/thread-83759-1-1.html

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    2014-12-26 13:15
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    发表于 2016-1-3 23:04:35 | 显示全部楼层
    smartdou 发表于 2016-1-3 22:41
    谢谢,坛友“霸王别姬”转来的某人的在阿果骂人的帖子。我认真的读了。不就是某人又几年没有骂 ...

    老师您理解错了我重点啊!!我明显不是想看你推荐那个什么哲学上听起来高大上的东西 !!我看李老师说您对基础概念理解错了!   您可以解释下导压系数和汇的强度的概念啊?用通俗易懂的语言解释一下。为我们广大普及一下知识呗!
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    2013-3-3 12:12
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-4 00:08:52 | 显示全部楼层
    霸王别姬 发表于 2016-1-3 23:04
    老师您理解错了我重点啊!!我明显不是想看你推荐那个什么哲学上听起来高大上的东西 !!我看李老师说您 ...

              而数模中的传导率与渗流力学中所言的传达率也不同,它是一个组合量纲,一般表示为T=AxKx/μ△X, 其量纲为,(长度^4×时间)/质量。Ax为垂直与x方向的横截面积,长度^2, Kx为X方向的渗透率,长度^2, μ为流体粘度,质量/(长度×时间);△X单元体在x方向的长度,L。(单位均采用量纲制,为采用具体单位)。更简明的说:数模中的离散传导率就是当换算系数都为1时,将达西流动定律重新组合成下面的式子,为两个项,压差△P前面的组合项统称离散传导率。


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    发表于 2016-1-5 19:21:33 | 显示全部楼层
    smartdou 发表于 2016-1-4 00:08
            在渗流力学中所言的传导率与热扩散方程有关,在不稳定渗流中,我们 ...

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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-5 23:21:50 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-5 23:41 编辑
    霸王别姬 发表于 2016-1-5 19:21
    导压系数就是传导率吗??老师您把我搞晕了!!截图上说的是导压系数您解释传导率!!这个。。。??跨度 ...

    Thermal diffusivityFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    In heat transfer analysis, thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pressure.[1] It measures the ability of a material to conduct thermal energy relative to its ability to store thermal energy, and is approximately analogous to whether a material is "cold to the touch". It has the SI unit of m²/s. Thermal diffusivity is usually denoted α but a, κ,[2] K,[3] and D are also used. The formula is:

    • is thermal conductivity (W/(m·K))
    • is density (kg/m³)
    • is specific heat capacity (J/(kg·K))
    Together, can be considered the volumetric heat capacity (J/(m³·K)).
    As seen in the heat equation,[4]
    , thermal diffusivity is the ratio of the time derivative of temperature to its curvature, quantifying the rate at which temperature concavity is "smoothed out". In a sense, thermal diffusivity is the measure of thermal inertia.[5] In a substance with high thermal diffusivity, heat moves rapidly through it because the substance conducts heat quickly relative to its volumetric heat capacity or 'thermal bulk'.

    Units of thermal conductivity[edit source | edit]In SI units, thermal conductivity is measured in watts per meter kelvin (W/(m·K)). The dimension of thermal conductivity is M1L1T−3Θ−1. These variables are (M)mass, (L)length, (T)time, and (Θ)temperature. In Imperial units, thermal conductivity is measured in BTU/(hr·ft⋅°F).[note 1][1]
    Other units which are closely related to the thermal conductivity are in common use in the construction and textile industries. The construction industry makes use of units such as the R-value (resistance) and the U-value (conductivity). Although related to the thermal conductivity of a material used in an insulation product, R and U-values are dependent on the thickness of the product.[note 2]
    Likewise the textile industry has several units including the tog and the clo which express thermal resistance of a material in a way analogous to the R-values used in the construction industry.
    Measurement[edit source | edit]Main article: Thermal conductivity measurement
    There are a number of ways to measure thermal conductivity. Each of these is suitable for a limited range of materials, depending on the thermal properties and the medium temperature. There is a distinction between steady-state and transient techniques.
    In general, steady-state techniques are useful when the temperature of the material does not change with time. This makes the signal analysis straightforward (steady state implies constant signals). The disadvantage is that a well-engineered experimental setup is usually needed. The Divided Bar (various types) is the most common device used for consolidated rock solids.
    Experimental values[edit source | edit]
    Experimental values of thermal conductivity.

    Main article: List of thermal conductivities
    Thermal conductivity is important in material science, research, electronics, building insulation and related fields, especially where high operating temperatures are achieved. Several materials are shown in the list of thermal conductivities. These should be considered approximate due to the uncertainties related to material definitions.
    High energy generation rates within electronics or turbines require the use of materials with high thermal conductivity such as copper (see: Copper in heat exchangers), aluminium, and silver. On the other hand, materials with low thermal conductance, such as polystyrene and alumina, are used in building construction or in furnaces in an effort to slow the flow of heat, i.e. for insulation purposes.
    Definitions[edit source | edit]The reciprocal of thermal conductivity is thermal resistivity, usually expressed in kelvin-meters per watt (K·m·W−1). For a given thickness of a material, that particular construction's thermal resistance and the reciprocal property, thermal conductance, can be calculated. Unfortunately, there are differing definitions for these terms.
    Thermal conductivity, k, often depends on temperature. Therefore the definitions listed below make sense when the thermal conductivity is temperature independent. Otherwise an representative mean value has to be considered; for more, see the equations section below.
    Conductance[edit source | edit]For general scientific use, thermal conductance is the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through a plate of particular area and thickness when its opposite faces differ in temperature by one kelvin. For a plate of thermal conductivity k, area A and thickness L, the conductance calculated is kA/L, measured in W·K−1 (equivalent to: W/°C). The thermal conductance of that particular construction is the inverse of the thermal resistance. Thermal conductivity and conductance are analogous to electrical conductivity (A·m−1·V−1) and electrical conductance (A·V−1).
    There is also a measure known as heat transfer coefficient: the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through a unit area of a plate of particular thickness when its opposite faces differ in temperature by one kelvin. The reciprocal is thermal insulance. In summary:

    • thermal conductance = kA/L, measured in W·K−1
    • thermal resistance = L/(kA), measured in K·W−1 (equivalent to: °C/W)
    • heat transfer coefficient = k/L, measured in W·K−1·m−2
    • thermal insulance = L/k, measured in K·m2·W−1.

    The heat transfer coefficient is also known as thermal admittance in the sense that the material may be seen as admitting heat to flow.
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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-6 07:54:02 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-6 11:03 编辑

    Heat equation
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The heat equation is a parabolic partial differential equation that describes the distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region over time.

    Contents [hide]

    where α is a positive constant, and Δ or ∇2 denotes the Laplace operator. In the physical problem of temperature variation, u(x,y,z,t) is the temperature and α is the thermal diffusivity. For the mathematical treatment it is sufficient to consider the case α = 1.
    Note that the state equation, given by the first law of thermodynamics (i.e. conservation of energy), is written in the following form (assuming no mass transfer, source or radiation). This form is more general and particular useful to recognise which property (e.g. cp or ) influences which term.

    The heat equation is of fundamental importance in diverse scientific fields. In mathematics, it is the prototypical parabolic partial differential equation. In probability theory, the heat equation is connected with the study of Brownian motion via the Fokker–Planck equation. In financial mathematics it is used to solve the Black–Scholes partial differential equation. The diffusion equation, a more general version of the heat equation, arises in connection with the study of chemical diffusion and other related processes.

    General description[edit]
    Solution of a 1D heat partial differential equation. The temperature (u) is initially distributed over a one-dimensional, one-unit-long interval (x = [0,1]) with insulated endpoints. The distribution approaches equilibrium over time.

    Suppose one has a function u that describes the temperature at a given location (x, y, z). This function will change over time as heat spreads throughout space. The heat equation is used to determine the change in the function u over time. The rate of change of u is proportional to the "curvature" of u. Thus, the sharper the corner, the faster it is rounded off. Over time, the tendency is for peaks to be eroded, and valleys filled in. If u is linear in space (or has a constant gradient) at a given point, then u has reached steady-state and is unchanging at this point (assuming a constant thermal conductivity).
    The image to the right is animated and describes the way heat changes in time along a metal bar. One of the interesting properties of the heat equation is the maximum principle that says that the maximum value of u is either earlier in time than the region of concern or on the edge of the region of concern. This is essentially saying that temperature comes either from some source or from earlier in time because heat permeates but is not created from nothingness. This is a property of parabolic partial differential equations and is not difficult to prove mathematically (see below).
    Another interesting property is that even if u has a discontinuity at an initial time t = t0, the temperature becomes smooth as soon as t > t0. For example, if a bar of metal has temperature 0 and another has temperature 100 and they are stuck together end to end, then very quickly the temperature at the point of connection will become 50 and the graph of the temperature will run smoothly from 0 to 100.
    The heat equation is used in probability and describes random walks. It is also applied in financial mathematics for this reason.
    It is also important in Riemannian geometry and thus topology: it was adapted by Richard Hamilton when he defined the Ricci flow that was later used by Grigori Perelman to solve the topological Poincaré conjecture.
    The physical problem and the equation[edit]Derivation in one dimension[edit]The heat equation is derived from Fourier's law and conservation of energy (Cannon 1984). By Fourier's law, the rate of flow of heat energy per unit area through a surface is proportional to the negative temperature gradient across the surface,

    where k is the thermal conductivity and u is the temperature. In one dimension, the gradient is an ordinary spatial derivative, and so Fourier's law is

    In the absence of work done, a change in internal energy per unit volume in the material, ΔQ, is proportional to the change in temperature, Δu (in this section only, Δ is the ordinary difference operator, not the Laplacian). That is,

    where cp is the specific heat capacity and ρ is the mass density of the material. Choosing zero energy at absolute zero temperature, this can be rewritten as

    The increase in internal energy in a small spatial region of the material

         over the time period
             is given by[1]

    where the fundamental theorem of calculus was used. If no work is done and there are neither heat sources nor sinks, the change in internal energy in the interval [x−Δx, xx] is accounted for entirely by the flux of heat across the boundaries. By Fourier's law, this is

    again by the fundamental theorem of calculus.[2] By conservation of energy,

    This is true for any rectangle [t −Δt, t + Δt] × [x − Δx, x + Δx]. By the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations, the integrand must vanish identically:

    Which can be rewritten as:

    which is the heat equation, where the coefficient (often denoted α)

    is called the thermal diffusivity.
    An additional term may be introduced into the equation to account for radiative loss of heat, which depends upon the excess temperature u = T − Ts at a given point compared with the surroundings. At low excess temperatures, the radiative loss is approximately μu, giving a one-dimensional heat-transfer equation of the form

    At high excess temperatures, however, the Stefan–Boltzmann law gives a net radiative heat-loss proportional to , and the above equation is inaccurate. For large excess temperatures, , giving a high-temperature heat-transfer equation of the form

    where .
    Here, σ is Stefan's constant, ε is a characteristic constant of the material, p is the sectional perimeter of the bar and A is its cross-sectional area. However, using T instead of u gives a better approximation in this case.

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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-6 11:07:40 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-6 11:10 编辑


    Three-dimensional problem[edit]

    In the special cases of wave propagation of heat in an isotropic and homogeneous medium in a 3-dimensional space, this equation is


    • u = u(x, y, z, t) is temperature as a function of space and time;
    • is the rate of change of temperature at a point over time;
    • uxx, uyy, and uzz are the second spatial derivatives (thermal conductions) of temperature in the x, y, and z directions, respectively;

    is the thermal diffusivity, a material-specific quantity depending on the thermal conductivity k, the mass density ρ, and the specific heat capacity cp.

    The heat equation is a consequence of Fourier's law of conduction (see heat conduction).
    If the medium is not the whole space, in order to solve the heat equation uniquely we also need to specify boundary conditions for u. To determine uniqueness of solutions in the whole space it is necessary to assume an exponential bound on the growth of solutions.[3]
    Solutions of the heat equation are characterized by a gradual smoothing of the initial temperature distribution by the flow of heat from warmer to colder areas of an object. Generally, many different states and starting conditions will tend toward the same stable equilibrium. As a consequence, to reverse the solution and conclude something about earlier times or initial conditions from the present heat distribution is very inaccurate except over the shortest of time periods.
    The heat equation is the prototypical example of a parabolic partial differential equation.
    Using the Laplace operator, the heat equation can be simplified, and generalized to similar equations over spaces of arbitrary number of dimensions, as

    where the Laplace operator, Δ or ∇2, the divergence of the gradient, is taken in the spatial variables.
    The heat equation governs heat diffusion, as well as other diffusive processes, such as particle diffusion or the propagation of action potential in nerve cells. Although they are not diffusive in nature, some quantum mechanics problems are also governed by a mathematical analog of the heat equation (see below). It also can be used to model some phenomena arising in finance, like the Black–Scholes or the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. The equation, and various non-linear analogues, has also been used in image analysis.
    The heat equation is, technically, in violation of special relativity, because its solutions involve instantaneous propagation of a disturbance. The part of the disturbance outside the forward light cone can usually be safely neglected, but if it is necessary to develop a reasonable speed for the transmission of heat, a hyperbolic problem should be considered instead – like a partial differential equation involving a second-order time derivative. Some models of nonlinear heat conduction (which are also parabolic equations) have solutions with finite heat transmission speed.[4][5]
    Internal heat generation[edit]The function u above represents temperature of a body. Alternatively, it is sometimes convenient to change units and represent u as the heat density of a medium. Since heat density is proportional to temperature in a homogeneous medium, the heat equation is still obeyed in the new units.
    Suppose that a body obeys the heat equation and, in addition, generates its own heat per unit volume (e.g., in watts/litre - W/L) at a rate given by a known function q varying in space and time.[6] Then the heat per unit volume u satisfies an equation

    For example, a tungsten light bulb filament generates heat, so it would have a positive nonzero value for q when turned on. While the light is turned off, the value of q for the tungsten filament would be zero.

    Solving the heat equation using Fourier series[edit]
    Idealized physical setting for heat conduction in a rod with homogeneous boundary conditions.

    The following solution technique for the heat equation was proposed by Joseph Fourier in his treatise Théorie analytique de la chaleur, published in 1822. Let us consider the heat equation for one space variable. This could be used to model heat conduction in a rod. The equation is

    where u = u(x, t) is a function of two variables x and t. Here
    • x is the space variable, so x ∈ [0, L], where L is the length of the rod.
    • t is the time variable, so t ≥ 0.
    We assume the initial condition

    where the function f is given, and the boundary conditions
    0 " src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/f/b/2/fb2871eaedede7192e4e6b6048e0d1bc.png">.

    Let us attempt to find a solution of (1) that is not identically zero satisfying the boundary conditions (3) but with the following property: u is a product in which the dependence of u on x, t is separated, that is:

    This solution technique is called separation of variables. Substituting u back into equation (1),

    Since the right hand side depends only on x and the left hand side only on t, both sides are equal to some constant value −λ. Thus:


    We will now show that nontrivial solutions for (6) for values of λ ≤ 0 cannot occur:
    • Suppose that λ < 0. Then there exist real numbers B, C such that
    • From (3) we get X(0) = 0 = X(L) and therefore B = 0 = C which implies u is identically 0.
    • Suppose that λ = 0. Then there exist real numbers B, C such that X(x) = Bx + C. From equation (3) we conclude in the same manner as in 1 that u is identically 0.
    • Therefore, it must be the case that λ > 0. Then there exist real numbers A, B, C such thatand
    • From (3) we get C = 0 and that for some positive integer n,

      This solves the heat equation in the special case that the dependence of u has the special form (4).
      In general, the sum of solutions to (1) that satisfy the boundary conditions (3) also satisfies (1) and (3). We can show that the solution to (1), (2) and (3) is given by


    Other closed-form solutions are available.[7]
    Generalizing the solution technique[edit]The solution technique used above can be greatly extended to many other types of equations. The idea is that the operator uxx with the zero boundary conditions can be represented in terms of its eigenvectors. This leads naturally to one of the basic ideas of the spectral theory of linear self-adjoint operators.
    Consider the linear operator Δu = uxx. The infinite sequence of functions

    for n ≥ 1 are eigenvectors of Δ. Indeed

    Moreover, any eigenvector f of Δ with the boundary conditions f(0) = f(L) = 0 is of the form en for some n ≥ 1. The functions en for n ≥ 1 form an orthonormal sequence with respect to a certain inner product on the space of real-valued functions on [0, L]. This means

    Finally, the sequence {en}nN spans a dense linear subspace of L2((0, L)). This shows that in effect we have diagonalized the operator Δ.

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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-6 11:17:28 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-6 16:58 编辑

    Heat conduction in non-homogeneous anisotropic media[edit]
    In general, the study of heat conduction is based on several principles. Heat flow is a form of energy flow, and as such it is meaningful to speak of the time rate of flow of heat into a region of space.

    • The time rate of heat flow into a region V is given by a time-dependent quantity qt(V). We assume q has a density , so that
    • Heat flow is a time-dependent vector function H(x) characterized as follows: the time rate of heat flowing through an infinitesimal surface element with area dS and with unit normal vector n is

    Thus the rate of heat flow into V is also given by the surface integral

    where n(x) is the outward pointing normal vector at x.
    • The Fourier law states that heat energy flow has the following linear dependence on the temperature gradient

    where A(x) is a 3 × 3 real matrix that is symmetric and positive definite.
    • By the divergence theorem, the previous surface integral for heat flow into V can be transformed into the volume integral
    • The time rate of temperature change at x is proportional to the heat flowing into an infinitesimal volume element, where the constant of proportionality is dependent on a constant κ

    Putting these equations together gives the general equation of heat flow:


    • The coefficient κ(x) is the inverse of specific heat of the substance at x × density of the substance at x.
    • In the anisotropic case where the coefficient matrix A is not scalar (i.e., if it depends on x), then an explicit formula for the solution of the heat equation can seldom be written down. Though, it is usually possible to consider the associated abstract Cauchy problem and show that it is a well-posed problem and/or to show some qualitative properties (like preservation of positive initial data, infinite speed of propagation, convergence toward an equilibrium, smoothing properties). This is usually done by one-parameter semigroups theory: for instance, if A is a symmetric matrix, then the elliptic operator defined by

    is self-adjoint and dissipative, thus by the spectral theorem it generates a one-parameter semigroup.

    Fundamental solutions[edit]
    A fundamental solution, also called a heat kernel, is a solution of the heat equation corresponding to the initial condition of an initial point source of heat at a known position. These can be used to find a general solution of the heat equation over certain domains; see, for instance, (Evans 1998) for an introductory treatment.
    In one variable, the Green's function is a solution of the initial value problem

    where δ is the Dirac delta function. The solution to this problem is the fundamental solution

    One can obtain the general solution of the one variable heat equation with initial condition u(x, 0) = g(x) for &#8722;∞ < x < ∞ and 0 < t < ∞ by applying a convolution:

    In several spatial variables, the fundamental solution solves the analogous problem

    The n-variable fundamental solution is the product of the fundamental solutions in each variable; i.e.,

    The general solution of the heat equation on Rn is then obtained by a convolution, so that to solve the initial value problem with u(x, 0) = g(x), one has

    The general problem on a domain Ω in Rn is

    with either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary data. A Green's function always exists, but unless the domain Ω can be readily decomposed into one-variable problems (see below), it may not be possible to write it down explicitly. Other methods for obtaining Green's functions include the method of images, separation of variables, and Laplace transforms (Cole, 2011).

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     楼主| 发表于 2016-1-6 11:22:39 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2016-1-6 11:26 编辑


    Some Green's function solutions in 1D[edit]

    A variety of elementary Green's function solutions in one-dimension are recorded here; many others are available elsewhere.[8] In some of these, the spatial domain is (&#8722;∞,∞). In others, it is the semi-infinite interval (0,∞) with either Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions. One further variation is that some of these solve the inhomogeneous equation
    where f is some given function of x and t.

    Homogeneous heat equation[edit]Initial value problem on (&#8722;∞,∞)
    Comment. This solution is the convolution with respect to the variable x of the fundamental solution

    and the function g(x). Therefore, according to the general properties of the convolution with respect to differentiation, u = g &#8727; Φ is a solution of the same heat equation, for


    so that, by general facts about approximation to the identity, Φ(&#8901;, t) &#8727; gg as t → 0 in various senses, according to the specific g. For instance, if g is assumed bounded and continuous on R then Φ(&#8901;, t) &#8727; g converges uniformly to g as t → 0, meaning that u(x, t) is continuous on R × [0, ∞) with u(x, 0) = g(x).

    Initial value problem on (0,∞) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditionsComment.
    This solution is obtained from the preceding formula as applied to the data g(x) suitably extended to R, so as to be an odd function, that is, letting g(&#8722;x) := &#8722;g(x) for all x. Correspondingly, the solution of the initial value problem on (&#8722;∞,∞) is an odd function with respect to the variable x for all values of t, and in particular it satisfies the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0, t) = 0.
    Initial value problem on (0,∞) with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions

    This solution is obtained from the first solution formula as applied to the data g(x) suitably extended to R so as to be an even function, that is, letting g(&#8722;x) := g(x) for all x. Correspondingly, the solution of the initial value problem on R is an even function with respect to the variable x for all values of t > 0, and in particular, being smooth, it satisfies the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions ux(0, t) = 0.
    Problem on (0,∞) with homogeneous initial conditions and non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions0" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/4/5/d45f775cdeb0b0eb572bf27e28e5f4de.png">Comment.
    This solution is the convolution with respect to the variable t of

    and the function h(t). Since Φ(x, t) is the fundamental solution of
    the function ψ(x, t) is also a solution of the same heat equation, and so is u := ψ &#8727; h, thanks to general properties of the convolution with respect to differentiation. Moreover,

    so that, by general facts about approximation to the identity, ψ(x, &#8901;) &#8727; hh as x → 0 in various senses, according to the specific h. For instance, if h is assumed continuous on R with support in [0, ∞) then ψ(x, &#8901;) &#8727; h converges uniformly on compacta to h as x → 0, meaning that u(x, t) is continuous on [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) with u(0, t) = h(t).
    Inhomogeneous heat equation[edit]Problem on (-∞,∞) homogeneous initial conditions
    This solution is the convolution in R2, that is with respect to both the variables x and t, of the fundamental solution
    and the function f(x, t), both meant as defined on the whole R2 and identically 0 for all t → 0. One verifies that

    which expressed in the language of distributions becomes

    where the distribution δ is the Dirac's delta function, that is the evaluation at 0.
    Problem on (0,∞) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and initial conditions

    This solution is obtained from the preceding formula as applied to the data f(x, t) suitably extended to R × [0,∞), so as to be an odd function of the variable x, that is, letting f(&#8722;x, t) := &#8722;f(x, t) for all x and t. Correspondingly, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem on (&#8722;∞,∞) is an odd function with respect to the variable x for all values of t, and in particular it satisfies the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0, t) = 0.
    Problem on (0,∞) with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and initial conditions

    Comment. This solution is obtained from the first formula as applied to the data f(x, t) suitably extended to R × [0,∞), so as to be an even function of the variable x, that is, letting f(&#8722;x, t) := f(x, t) for all x and t. Correspondingly, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem on (&#8722;∞,∞) is an even function with respect to the variable x for all values of t, and in particular, being a smooth function, it satisfies the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions ux(0, t) = 0.
    Examples[edit]Since the heat equation is linear, solutions of other combinations of boundary conditions, inhomogeneous term, and initial conditions can be found by taking an appropriate linear combination of the above Green's function solutions.
    For example, to solve

    let u = w + v where w and v solve the problems

    Similarly, to solve

    let u = w + v + r where w, v, and r solve the problems

    Mean-value property for the heat equation[edit]
    Solutions of the heat equations

    satisfy a mean-value property analogous to the mean-value properties of harmonic functions, solutions of

    though a bit more complicated. Precisely, if u solves



    where Eλ is a "heat-ball", that is a super-level set of the fundamental solution of the heat equation:
    \lambda\}," src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/4/1/f/41f0f80fbb38f91398ced52c14533de0.png">
    Notice that
    as λ → ∞ so the above formula holds for any (x, t) in the (open) set dom(u) for λ large enough. Conversely, any function u satisfying the above mean-value property on an open domain of Rn × R is a solution of the heat equation. This can be shown by an argument similar to the analogous one for harmonic functions.

    Stationary heat equation[edit]
    The (time) stationary heat equation is not dependent on time. In other words, it is assumed conditions exist such that:

    This condition depends on the time constant and the amount of time passed since boundary conditions have been imposed. Thus, the condition is fulfilled in situations in which the time equilibrium constant is fast enough that the more complex time-dependent heat equation can be approximated by the stationary case. Equivalently, the stationary condition exists for all cases in which enough time has passed that the thermal field u no longer evolves in time.
    In the stationary case, a spatial thermal gradient may (or may not) exist, but if it does, it does not change in time. This equation therefore describes the end result in all thermal problems in which a source is switched on (for example, an engine started in an automobile), and enough time has passed for all permanent temperature gradients to establish themselves in space, after which these spatial gradients no longer change in time (as again, with an automobile in which the engine has been running for long enough). The other (trivial) solution is for all spatial temperature gradients to disappear as well, in which case the temperature become uniform in space, as well.
    The equation is much simpler and can help to understand better the physics of the materials without focusing on the dynamic of the heat transport process. It is widely used for simple engineering problems assuming there is equilibrium of the temperature fields and heat transport, with time.
    Stationary condition:

    The stationary heat equation for a volume that contains a heat source (the inhomogeneous case), is the Poisson's equation:
    where u is the temperature, k is the thermal conductivity and q the heat-flux density of the source.
    In electrostatics, this is equivalent to the case where the space under consideration contains an electrical charge.
    The stationary heat equation without a heat source within the volume (the homogeneous case) is the equation in electrostatics for a volume of free space that does not contain a charge. It is described by Laplace's equation:

    Applications[edit]Particle diffusion[edit]
    Main article: Diffusion equation
    One can model particle diffusion by an equation involving either:

    In either case, one uses the heat equation

    Both c and P are functions of position and time. D is the diffusion coefficient that controls the speed of the diffusive process, and is typically expressed in meters squared over second. If the diffusion coefficient D is not constant, but depends on the concentration c (or P in the second case), then one gets the nonlinear diffusion equation.
    Brownian motion[edit]
    Let the stochastic process be the solution of the stochastic differential equation

    where is the Wiener process (standard Brownian motion). Then the probability density function of is given at any time by

    which is the solution of the initial value problem

    where is the Dirac delta function.

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