TA的每日心情 | 开心 2015-7-30 10:26 |
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应王焰新教授邀请,加拿大皇家科学院、工程院两院院士,滑铁卢大学Edward Sudicky教授和美国伯克利国家实验室Tianfu Xu 教授到我校做学术专题报告。
报告人:Edward Sudicky教授:
讲座题目:Flow, Contaminant and Thermal Energy Transport in Integrated Surface-subsurface Flow Systems: Model Applications over Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
报告人:Tianfu Xu 教授
讲座题目:Subsurface Reactive Transport Modeling: From CO2 Geological Sequestration to Energy and Environmental Problems
Edward Sudicky教授:国际著名水文地质学家。主要研究领域:Mathematical modeling of groundwater flow and mass transport in hydrogeologic systems by numerical and analytical methods, including algorithm development. Multiphase flow and subsurface remediation. Stochastic analysis in heterogeneous porous and fractured geologic materials. Coupled surface/groundwater flow and contaminant migration in hydrologic systems, groundwater hydraulics and geostatistical characterization of material properties at field sites。
Tianfu Xu :is a Staff Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Tianfu has been working on developing new approaches to modeling multiphase non-isothermal fluid flow and chemical transport in unsaturated and saturated porous media and fractured rock systems. He is the chief developer of LBNL’s multi-phase non-isothermal reactive flow and chemical transport simulator TOUGHREACT. The program is among the most frequently requested codes in the library of the Department of Energy's Software Center, and is widely used nationally and internationally for CO2 geological sequestration, nuclear waste disposal, geothermal energy development, environmental remediation, and increasingly for petroleum applications. Tianfu has authored and co-authored about 40 peer-reviewed journal papers. His papers have been cited by other researchers more than 360 times (SCI citation). |