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油气藏资料专版 今日: 0|主题: 1600|排名: 140 

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[资料贴] Fluid Flow in Fractured Rock attachment majia 2008-10-29 41871 都市飘尘 2016-4-3 13:27
[资料贴] [储层表征]from AAPG attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 孙广晨 手机认证 2009-1-25 627455 wujie675 2016-3-28 01:14
[资料贴] ▲产能资料 解析解部分【全】 attachment 虚度 2010-7-21 31086 Doraemon 2016-3-26 10:24
[资料贴] 48.Applied Geothermics for Petroleum Engineers attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-27 41266 tinas 2016-3-19 13:12
[资料贴] Fundamentals of Numerical Reservoir Smulation attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-17 21157 tinas 2016-3-19 12:58
[资料贴] Bitumens, Asphalts and Tar Sands attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-17 41128 tinas 2016-3-19 12:57
[资料贴] Deconvolution of geophysical time series in the exploration for oil and natur... attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-17 31441 tinas 2016-3-19 12:55
[资料贴] enhanced oil recovery_i_fundamentals and analyses attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-19 61371 tinas 2016-3-19 12:51
[资料贴] Enhanced oil recovery,ii processes and operations attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-20 21409 tinas 2016-3-19 12:49
[资料贴] production and transport of oil and gas, gathering and transportation attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-20 31412 tinas 2016-3-19 12:48
[资料贴] Surface Operations in Petroleum Production I attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-20 51042 tinas 2016-3-19 12:47
[资料贴] Surface Operations in Petroleum Production II attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-20 61047 tinas 2016-3-19 12:46
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 20_ Geology in Petroleum Production attach_img  ...2 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-21 111629 tinas 2016-3-19 12:45
[资料贴] Application of Optimal Control Theory to Enhanced Oil Recovery attach_img agree swpuxiaofan 2012-12-21 21858 tinas 2016-3-19 12:44
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 22_microbal enhanced oil recovery attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-21 31134 tinas 2016-3-19 12:43
[资料贴] Well Test Analysis for Fractured Reservoir Evaluation attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-21 41210 tinas 2016-3-19 12:39
[资料贴] 热采稠油潜力评价与规划技术 attach_img hunana 2016-3-15 2505 sljslj123456789 2016-3-16 19:47
[资料贴] 经典的带动画国外试井课件 attach_img  ...2 crab1981 2011-8-22 143912 lyhengshuai 2016-3-14 11:26
[资料贴] 中国五类气藏开发模式 attachment agree  ...2 justbetoo 手机认证 2010-7-25 112852 离川 2016-3-2 10:54
[资料贴] 国外油气勘探开发新进展丛书《油井试井手册》 attach_img agree 独孤文武 2012-9-11 82451 yzw2008 2016-3-1 10:26
[资料贴] 气田开发讲座-李士伦 attachment jasson_luck 2010-7-29 21126 离川 2016-2-28 11:39
[资料贴] 33.Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics attach_img swpuxiaofan 2012-12-23 21026 Dz2725 2016-2-4 11:31
[资料贴] 【文件名】 Simulation throughout the life of a reservoir attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 一城风絮 2009-9-7 325423 jsliuyun 2016-1-23 16:04
[资料贴] 分形理论在油藏工程中的运用 英文高清原版 attachment agree 1109785573 2016-1-19 2859 sljslj123456789 2016-1-20 10:56
[资料贴] 油藏工程 英文原版教材 attachment agree 1109785573 2016-1-19 21526 sljslj123456789 2016-1-20 10:56
[资料贴] 阳光首发:稠油开发经典书籍——《重油和沥青的热力开采工艺》 attach_img agree dbjsydx 2013-2-22 91389 pupuxwj 2016-1-20 10:09
[资料贴] 密井网储层描述 attachment  ...23 alexli7 2009-3-16 203320 zgsydxwmb 2016-1-19 18:20
[资料贴] 中国石油企业的海外长征 attachment raychoi 2015-11-18 5683 raychoi 2016-1-13 12:09
[其他] 压力恢复测试 草根思想 2015-12-29 1921 我为祖国献石油 2016-1-11 11:41
[资料贴] 阳光《油层物理》整理合集 digest swpuxiaofan 2013-1-14 82054 暮美忧 2015-12-1 12:00
[资料贴] PIPESIM和wellflo哪种方法计算的无阻流量更准确 hdjsunpetro 2010-8-23 31906 dazade 2015-11-29 11:36
[其他] 寻找好心人!!! 新人帖 feiyiyang 2015-11-27 3976 门神 2015-11-29 09:01
[资料贴] 储层构型ppt attachment agree  ...2 stranger160134 2009-6-11 163106 qizhi0183 2015-11-27 17:12
[资料贴] 多井试井评价油藏非均质性 attachment dingyao 2015-11-11 1872 CZHHHH 2015-11-12 08:51
[资料贴] 【多媒体】地震波 attach_img  ...2 一城风絮 2009-7-14 153070 h2011010097 2015-11-4 17:54
[资料贴] 岩石力学应力场建模中的弹性模量BIOT系数 attachment zhaoqiangzzzz 2015-10-31 61255 zhaoqiangzzzz 2015-11-3 00:13
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