发表于 2016-11-17 12:41:50
===================== WARNING (from subroutine: RK4ST2) ======================
Stepsize is numerically equal to zero;
Set yout = yin and return .
Line: 427 File Name: F:\ShaleOil\CMG_Unconventional Oil_wells_HFDrcy.dat
===================== WARNING (from subroutine: CONDPT) ======================
Low-accuracy flag encountered in mass-consistent initialization
Integration within the range of tabulated depths.
Line: 427 File Name: F:\ShaleOil\CMG_Unconventional Oil_wells_HFDrcy.dat
===================== WARNING (from subroutine: WMWTIN) ======================
Default action for monitor *BHP of Well no. 1 ('Production')
is to shut the well.
Line: 436 File Name: F:\ShaleOil\CMG_Unconventional Oil_wells_HFDrcy.dat
*** End of data input
--- Repeat time step: unusual pressure in block: 1868 ( r15,20 )
--- Repeat time step: unusual pressure in block: 1868 ( r15,20 )
--- Repeat time step: unusual pressure in block: 1868 ( r15,20 )
--- Repeat time step: unusual pressure in block: 1873 ( r15,20 )
--- Repeat time step: pressure variation too large, block: 1873 ( r15,20 ) 4946. psia
G E M T I M E S T E P S U M M A R Y ====================================================================================================================
Time Step Time Maximum Changes Mat Cum Solver
----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Bal time -----------
Size Newton Pressure Saturation Composition Err step Iter/ Cum
No. days cycls Days Date Block psia Block Fraction Block Fraction % cuts Cycl Fail
---- ------ ---- ------ ---------- --------- ------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- ----- ---- ----- -----
1 1.8e-4 7 1.8e-4 2016.11.16 r15,20 -2.2e3 r15,20 1.3e-3(w) r15,20 3.7e-4( 2) 97e-9 5 1.4 0
2 1.1e-4 2 3.0e-4 2016.11.16 r15,20 -733 r15,20 -39e-5(o) r15,20 1.3e-4( 2) 10e-8 5 1.0 0
3 2.3e-4 2 5.3e-4 2016.11.16 r15,20 -805 r15,20 4.8e-4(w) r15,20 1.4e-4( 2) 12e-8 5 1.0 0
--- Repeat time step: program failed to converge
4 2.1e-4 14 7.4e-4 2016.11.16 r15,20 -541 r15,20 -27e-3(o) r15,20 9.1e-4( 2) 84e-9 6 1.0 0 |