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签到天数: 18 天 [LV.4]偶尔看看III
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【作者】 Dr. Shawket G Ghedan , Dr. Eric Mackay, Mr. Gustavy Niemtschik
【出版日期】 不详
【出版社】 不详
【文件格式】 PDF
【页数】 不详
Course Description
Theory and practice of reservoir simulation; the development of simulation programs, selection of the proper model for a simulation study, data preparation and grid design, calibration of the reservoir model using observed performance data, forecasting of future performance under primary and secondary recovery schemes, and interpretation of simulation results. Advanced topics, including pseudo-relative permeability and capillary pressure, are also discussed; understanding the role of simulation in reservoir management, the mechanics of reservoir simulation, limitations & structural aspects of the models, upscaling and simulation techniques. ECLIPSE 100 will be utilized during the tutorials but prior experience with ECLIPSE is not required.
This course is designed for engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and other oilfield technical staff. This course should also be fit for asset team leaders and managers who want to get an overview of the reservoir simulation technology, as this course will also cover how simulation models are employed for day to day reservoir management and reservoir long term development planning.
engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and other oilfield technical staff. asset team leaders and managers who want to get an overview of the reservoir simulation technology
Course Schedule
1 Review of Integrated Reservoir Studies: Why Integrated Studies, Development of Team Concept vs Group Behavior, Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Approach, Components of Integrated Reservoir Studies, Work Flow. Review of Reservoir Simulation: Objective of Reservoir Simulation, Simulation Principals, Simulation Equations, Solution of Simulation Equations, Steps in a Reservoir Simulation Study, Input and Output of Reservoir Simulation, Application of Reservoir Simulation, and Benefits of Reservoir Simulation.
2 Reservoir Flow Equations: Basics of Differential Calculus, Basics of Linear Algebra, Components of a Reservoir Simulator, Coordinate Systems, Derivation of the Diffusivity Equations, Multiphase Simulation Equations. Finite Difference Formulation: Spatial and Time Approximation by Finite Difference, Taylor Infinite Series, Truncation Error, Explicit and Implicit Formulations, Initial and Boundary Conditions, Linearization & Solution Process, System of Linear Equations, Solution to Non-Linear System of Equations, IMPES vs Fully Implicit Models, Minimum Data Requirement, and Well Calculations. Numerical Dispersion.
3 Building Simulation Grids: Types of Simulation Grids, Block Centered Griding, Cylindrical Griding, Curvelinear Griding, Corner Point Griding, Situation Allowing Simplification of Reservoir Geometry, Using Pseudo Functions, Selection of Grid Coordinate System, PEBI Griding, Why Using PEBI Grids, Construction of PEBI Grids, Local Grid Refinement, Time Stepping with LGR, Grid Orientation, Selection of Optimal Grid Size, Common Rules for Constructing Grids. Coarse Grids Modeling: Coarse Grids Design, Models of Different Dimensions, Modeling of Faults, Block Properties, Wells in Full Field Models, Inflow and Outflow Performance, Steady State Aquifers, Pseudo SS Aquifers, and Transient Aquifers.
4 Upscaling Static to Dynamic Models: Structural Upscaling: Static Geological Modeling, Why Upscaling, Areal Upscaling, Simulation Layering, Dynamic Data Critical to Simulation Layering, How to Layer, Vertical Upscaling, Griding for Simulation. Scale-Up Methods: Scale up Concept, Upscaling of Porosity, Upscaling of Permeability, Arithmetic vs Harmonic vs Geometric Permeability Averaging, Flow Upscaling, Case Study of Upscaling of Petrophysical Data.
5 Preparation of Rock Data: Study Objectives, Geophysical Data Input, Geological Data Input, Depositional and Diagenesis Models, 3D Static Model Building, Rock Facies and Rock Typing Models, Modeling of Petrophysical Data, Simulation Grids Design, Upacaling of Porosity and Permeability, Drainage Pc Curves, Imbibition Pc and Kr Data, Hysteresis, Scanning Curves and Saturation Tables
6 Preparation of Fluid PVT Data: Five Reservoir Fluids, Common Fluid Model Types, PVT Relations for Black-Oil Models, PVT Relations for Compositional Models, Corrections of Laboratory PVT Data, Black Oil vs Compositional Model. Model Initialization: Fluids Distribution within Reservoirs, Pressure Distribution within Reservoirs, Case Study.
7 Simulation Well Models: Well Data, Representing Wells in Simulation, Spacing of Wells in Simulation Grid, Production Controls, Time Steps, and Simulator Control Data History Matching: Plan history match, Prepare preliminary model, Perform history match, Monitor reservoir performance, Bottom Hole Pressure Matching, Flow Tests (Pthf) Data, Lift Curves, Tubing Head Pressure Matching, Coupling Reservoir & Wellbore-Hydraulics Models.
8 Compositional Modeling: Advantages, BO vs Compositional Modeling, PVT Review, Ideal and Real Gas Behavior, Equation of State, Compositional Simulation Modeling, Multistage Pressure Experiments, Differential Liberation, CCE, CVD, Multi-contact Experiments. Fine Grids Simulation Models: Scales of Porous Media, Pattern Models, Single Well Studies, Cross-Sectional Models, Areal Models, Data Preparation, Numerical Dispersion.
9 Vertical Equilibrium and Pseudo Functions: Definition, Vertical Equilibrium Models, Eclipse VE Option, Types of Pseudo Functions, VE pseudo Functions, Theory of Pseudo Functions, Application of Pseudo Functions. Fractured Reservoir Simulation: Overview of Simulation Process, Overview of Compositional Simulation, Conducting Simulation Study, Select Types of Simulator, Closing Thoughts and Remarks
10 Overview of Simulation Process: Conducting Simulation Study, Select Types of Simulator, Closing Thoughts and Remarks |