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油气藏资料专版 今日: 0|主题: 1600|排名: 138 

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[资料贴] 油气藏裂缝模拟与评价 heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 hanz 2008-12-11 7912885 石大华东-陈宇 2019-3-17 08:59
[资料贴] everything软件 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0183 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:43
[资料贴] CMG IMEX 软件学习教程 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0161 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:42
[资料贴] 油层物理word版 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0134 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:40
[资料贴] CMG常见问题及对策 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0130 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:36
[资料贴] CMG表活剂 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0155 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:29
[资料贴] CMG高低矿化度水驱油模型 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0161 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:24
[资料贴] ECL PVT模拟及软件应用 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0141 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:18
[资料贴] CMG敏感性分析模型 attachment Eumendies 2019-3-15 0139 Eumendies 2019-3-15 13:17
[资料贴] 气井动态分析 cuiwq456 2010-5-27 11480 renshilin88 2019-3-4 20:53
[资料贴] 特殊岩性气田气藏动态描述方法—庄惠农老师 新人帖 attach_img agree Namean 手机认证 2013-6-14 61192 renshilin88 2019-3-4 20:47
[资料贴] 国内外水驱采油论文集 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 alexli7 2009-1-15 516189 xiao6henshui 2019-3-4 10:40
[资料贴] 【国外博士论文】油藏评价一体化研究(含开发动态评价) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 一城风絮 2009-4-2 13117749 xiao6henshui 2019-3-4 10:35
[资料贴] Rubis 5.0操作手册 新人帖 attachment wanglei1986sp 2019-2-24 1242 wake.up 2019-2-24 21:04
[资料贴] 储层表征 Reservoir Characterization attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-8-24 131298 qizhi0183 2019-2-20 12:20
[资料贴] 【教材】油藏流体的p –V -T关系 attach_img  ...2 我爱发明 2016-11-28 10845 fanmhd2000 2019-2-11 23:55
[资料贴] 油气藏开发地质研究进展~18年给力资料~ attach_img  ...2 哈尼大灰狼 2018-10-23 101591 哈尼大灰狼 2019-1-12 17:57
[资料过期贴] 花阳光币买的链接过期了能退阳光币吗 新人帖 13263321080 2019-1-11 1521 admin 2019-1-11 11:51
[资料贴] Structural geology in reservoir characterization attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-8-26 7590 voyager 2019-1-7 18:10
[资料贴] 30.Carbonate Reservoir Characterization - Part I attach_img  ...234 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-21 313354 voyager 2019-1-7 18:04
[资料贴] 50.Origin and Prediction of Abnormal Formation Pressures attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-27 404491 xmac 2019-1-7 09:52
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 16_ Petroleum Geology attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-18 475540 xmac 2019-1-2 10:12
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 15A_fundamentals of well-log interpretation attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-18 464834 xmac 2019-1-1 13:12
[资料贴] 油田开发分析经验方法 attachment kayyeah 2012-9-1 61035 dd6511704 2018-12-28 15:03
[资料贴] 第63册 Integrated sand management for effective hydrocarbon flow assurance attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-8-5 131240 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:51
[资料贴] 油气勘探开发手册英文版第七册 attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-8-17 10864 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:32
[资料贴] 油气勘探开发手册英文版第九册 attach_img agree  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-8-19 151349 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:31
[资料贴] Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis attach_img  ...23 西门吹雪 2017-9-9 211846 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:29
[资料贴] 第60册 Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-8-2 191205 tod_wang 2018-12-27 17:57
[资料贴] Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 石油工程 attach_img agree  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-9-12 111308 tod_wang 2018-12-27 16:11
[资料贴] 56.Well Completion Design attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-27 404423 tod_wang 2018-12-27 15:52
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 5_Oil Shale attach_img  ...234 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-16 333535 tod_wang 2018-12-27 15:23
[资料贴] Development in petroleum science 3_Production and Transport of Oil and gas attach_img heatlevel  ...234 swpuxiaofan 2012-12-16 393926 tod_wang 2018-12-27 15:21
[资料贴] 哈里伯顿先进技术-美国页岩气开发 attachment 容不下半粒沙 手机认证 2011-11-9 61803 xiaoyao009 2018-12-27 09:33
[资料贴] 油层物理实验 attach_img agree zhj_0072 2012-1-9 51886 青山依旧Jacky 2018-12-19 15:28
[资料贴] 【多媒体】Modeling and Measuring Water Saturation in Tight Gas Reservoirs attachment  ...2 一城风絮 2009-6-17 193192 zhao199771 2018-12-16 22:00
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