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非常好的一本岩石力学巨著,包含岩石力学理论基础(第一卷)与岩石力学在石油工程的应用(第二卷)。好不容易才找到下载下来,这里与大家分享一下(由于时间较久,中间损失了几页,请见谅)Rock Mechanics: Theoretical fundamentals, 第 1 卷
Rock Mechanics: Petroleum applications, 第 2 卷
Contents: I. Mechanics of Continuous Media - Basic Concepts. 1. State of Strain. 2. State of Stress. 3. Thermodynamics of Continuous Media. II. Mechanism of Material Strain. 4. Linear Elasticity. General Theory. 5. Plane Theory of Elasticity. 6. Behaviour of a Material Containing Cavities. 7. Thermodynamics of Saturated Porous Media. 8. Infinitesimal Thermoporoelasticity. 9. The Triaxial Test and the Measurement of Thermoporoelastic Properties. 10. Thermoporoelastoplasticity. General Theory and Application. III. Mechanisms of Material Cohesion Loss. 11. Fissuring. 12. Introduction to Damage Theory. 13. Appearance of Shearing Bands in Geomaterials.