The well in Figure 6 was selected because it represented a fairly simply, unidirectional case, but even so, the high magnitude dips at the base of the sandy section represent the dune system that was migrating through the thalweg of the channel, and the lower magnitude dips represent the IHS deposited via lateral accretion above this, with a reactivation part way up the section. The right most track on figure 6 is a rose diagram displaying all the data from the dipmeter track over a given interval. It is clear here that the sandy fluvial section of this well has a very strong northeast orientation, with an average dip of ~7 degrees. This is useful information on the orientation of these beds at this location. Map this dominant dip direction spatially as in figure 7, and you can see how we can build a surface that honours this data, and can provide a layering scheme for part of the model.
Figure 7: Map of sand thickness with dip orientations from a sample area. From Findlay et al. 2014
With a little know how, you can build a surface using this kind of data which honours not only the dip direction, but also the average dip magnitude as in Figure 8. This is what you would use to build your layering scheme.
Figure 8: Surface built using the dipmeter discussed in the text. From Findlay et al 2014 But say you don’t have a lot, or perhaps any, dipmeter data? Here is another strategy you can employ to get similar results. In this example, we have one well on which someone ran a dipmeter, but we also have some horizontal well data which we can use to establish a layering surface. Consider figure 9 which contains a log of a different well, but laid out in a similar fashion to figure 6.
Figure 9: Sample log of a different well from a different area. Note dipmeter data in the 2 rightmost tracks. From Findlay et al. 2014
Note that, like figure 6, this well has a very strong orientation in the sand prone section. However, without other dipmeter wells nearby, what can we use to build a reliable layering surface? In this instance, we have some additional MWD (measure while drilling) data from 10 horizontal well pairs which proved useful. Consider figure 10.
Figure 10: MWD Resistivity profiles from 10 horizontal wells with annotated dip direction. From Findlay et al. 2014
Here we see the deep resistivity profiles from the upper wells on the pad along with the dipmeter well near the centre of the image. The colour scheme and thickness of the resistivity data have been manipulated to show the subtle trend of a bed which intersected 6 of the wells in a smooth arc. The magnitude of dip observed in figure 9 lines up beautifully with this trend and allows the construction of a layering surface which honours all of this data, which is shown in figure 11.
Figure 11: Dip surface build by combining dipmeter and horizontal well data. From Findlay et al. 2014
Once we have established a dipping surface, we can use it to guide the layering in the model. The next step is to consider the intuition behind some of the techniques which are commonly used to build the geostatistical part of a model.
I won’t go into using data analysis to figure out what vertical and lateral trends you have in your reservoir because it is going to be different for every model you build. Suffice to say that you need to honour any trends you identify from your interrogation of the data you have available. Know that your grain size becomes finer as you move up vertically? Then you need to build that trend into your geostatistics. What does this change in grain size imply for your permeability? Perhaps we should be honouring that as well.
However, the first model you need to build is a facies model. By this point you should have identified a number of lithofacies, electrofacies or some other kind of facies from your log and core data which you think accurately represents the rock types you observe there. This is often done based on mud content. 0-5% mud being facies 1, 5-15% facies 2 etc, which is fine and easy as you can often just load the core description provided by the core handling company or the geologists hired to log the core. A better way would be to identify lithofacies associations based on sedimentalogical processes, for reasons that will become clear shortly. Nardin et al. 2013 provide an excellent scheme for the McMurray Formaton, and this is very close to the scheme that is used in the example to come. An important step in building your facies model is considering the size of the variogram you want to use. Variograms are often poorly described and misunderstood, but an easy way to visualise what they are is to think about a rugby ball around one of your data points in space. The larger this rugby ball, the further the algorithm will look to try and join up two points of the same value. In effect, the larger your variogram, the larger your facies will be in three dimensions. But this tells us nothing about how big we should make them. There are variogram analysis tools available to analyse the lateral and vertical variability of your data set, but I suspect they are not going to be a lot of practical use, except for analysing the vertical, particularly in the McMurray (or any other fluvial system), and here is why: Facies in the McMurray are generally too small to be intersected by more than one well. Consider figure 12
Figure 12: McMurray Lidar image with 2 hypothetical wells, from Findlay et al. 2014
This is another annotated McMurray lidar image from Findlay et al 2014 with two hypothetical wells drawn on for emphasis. We know that the McMurray contains dipping beds, and we know that they dip at 5-10 degrees. Now assume you cut that so that apparent dip is the same as actual dip, and that you have a 35m thick reservoir which is dipping at 5 degrees. The geometry of this means that if you want to see the same bed twice, you need to have a well every 400m. Do you have that kind of well density? Not many do. Things get worse though if you have steeper dips, you will need finer spaced wells. Also, even if you have 400m well density, you have other problems. How do you know which bed in well b is the same as the bed you are looking at in well a? You don’t, and even if you did, you would have only 2 data points for that plane. Will it have the same facies in both wells? Unlikely, but even if it did, is 2 data points adequate to assess the variability along that plain within the reservoir? Almost certainly not.
I took you a long way to make the small point that you cannot use well based variogram analysis to define your lateral facies variogram dimensions, unless your facies lateral extent is considerable larger than your well spacing. This is certainly not the case in the McMurray. So if we can’t use the variogram tools to define our lateral variogram dimensions, what should we do? I suggest we use actual measurements from the formation in question. Consider figure 13, modified from Nardin et al, 2013.
Figure 13: Facies lateral extent statistics measured from the McMurray Formation, modified from Nardin et al. 2013
Nardin et al (2013) painstakingly built a facies scheme, and measured the length of these facies in the McMurray Formation along a mine face, often in dip and strike direction (amongst a lot else, check the paper out. It’s a goodie). In this figure we can see that the mode of lithofacies association c in the strike direction is about 5m and in the dip direction about 8m. This means that the most common bed of this lithofacies association would be 5m wide, and 8m long, orientated down the dipping bed. Let’s think for a minute what that means for our model. What cell size did we use? Did we leave it on the default 50m x 50m square? Better rethink that. If we don’t use a small enough cell size, we won’t see any of this rock type in the model. There are essentially no exposures of this lithofacies association that are 50m x 50m in lateral extent. It also means that we can perhaps extract from this data what our variogram dimensions should be (i.e. 5m x 8m). We can do something similar for the rest of the lithofacies we are going to use, and specify our variogram dimensions accordingly.
Now we have all the pieces in place, we can build our facies model. The kind of methodologies described here built the model exhibited in figure 14. The model isn’t supposed to look exactly like the Lidar image, they are hundreds of kilometres apart in reality, but I think you will agree that the stratigraphic architectural style has been preserved. This fine detail matters when we need to simulate as subtle permeability changes can have a huge effect on steam propagation, and we can be confident that our model is seeing below seismic resolution (compare figure 14 with figure 5, see what I mean?). With this facies model built, we can start to populate other properties in a realistic manner, but that is a post for another day.
Figure 14: McMurray lidar image on top compared to the model built using the outlines methodologies below. From Findlay et al. 2014
References (the bottom two are available from Research Gate)
Findlay, DJ, Nardin, T, Couch, A. and Wright, A , 2014 Modeling Lateral Accretion in the McMurray Formation at Grizzly Oil Sands Algar Lake SAGD Project, Canadian Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, November 2014.
Findlay, DJ, Nardin, T, Wright, A and Mojarad, RS, 2014, Modeling Lateral Accretion in McMurray Formation Fluvial-Estuarine Channel Systems: Grizzly Oil Sands’ May River SAGD Project, Athabasca, Geoconvention 2014, Calgary, May 2014.
Labreque, PA, Hubbard, SM, Jenson, JL, and Nielson H, 2011, Sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of a point bar deposit, Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 59, No. 2, p. 147–171. Nardin, TR, Feldman, HR, and Carter, BJ, 2013, Stratigraphic Architecture of a Large-Scale Point Bar Complex in the McMurray Formation: Syncrude’s Mildred Lake Mine, Alberta, Canada. in FJ Hein et al (Eds.). Heavy-oil and Oil-sand Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond. AAPG Studies in Geology 64, p. 273-311.