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  • TA的每日心情
    2015-4-12 05:24
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    发表于 2015-3-22 07:18:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 petroleumman 于 2015-3-23 04:08 编辑

    Learning Objectives
    This course will give you an understanding in how to set up and
    run a compositional simulation model using ECLIPSE 300 Compositional.
    A pre-requisite for the course is that you already understand black-oil
    simulation and can create and run ECLIPSE 100 black-oil models. We will
    therefore concentrate on the differences between black oil simulation and
    compositional simulation, and between ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
    The course contains a number of exercises during which you will practice
    specific topics in the presentations. These exercises build up to a small study
    in which you will be able to apply all that you have learnt during the course.
    Course Guidelines
    In this training material, you will encounter the following:
    1 Overview of the course
    2 When you need to use compositional simulation
    3 PVT properties of hydrocarbon fluids: Background and Theory
    4 The main steps involved in a PVT analysis of a hydrocarbon fluid
    5 The different sections of the PVTi program
    6 The differences between black oil and compositional simulation
    7 How to use ECLIPSE 300
    8 Practical exercises
    9 A scenario-based study
    10 Summary
    You will also encounter notes and best practices.

    Outline of Lecture Topics
    Part 1 : PVTi and ECLIPSE 300
    􀁹 Introduction
    􀁹 Overview of Black Oil and Compositional Simulation
    􀁹 PVT background
    􀁹 Components
    􀁹 Equations of State
    􀁹 Flash
    􀁹 PVTi Exercises
    􀁹 Phase Diagrams
    􀁹 Ternary Diagrams
    􀁹 Splitting and Grouping
    􀁹 Regression
    􀁹 Output to ECLIPSE
    Part 2 : From PVTi to ECLIPSE 300
    􀁹 PVTi Experiments
    􀁹 Using Ternary Diagrams
    􀁹 Condensing Gas Drives
    􀁹 Vaporizing Gas Drives
    􀁹 Miscibility: FCMP and MCMP experiments
    􀁹 Flash:
    􀁹 Flash Theory
    􀁹 Flash Example
    􀁹 Difficulties in Flash
    􀁹 Matching the Viscosity
    􀁹 Demo: simulation of gas injection
    Part 3 : From ECLIPSE 100 to ECLIPSE 300
    􀁹 E300 Program Usage
    􀁹 Differences between ECLIPSE 100 and 300
    􀁹 Keyword Review
    􀁹 ECLIPSE workshop

    Part 4: ECLIPSE 300 Advanced Topics
    􀁹 Grid Orientation, 9-point and MPFA
    􀁹 Convergence Reports
    􀁹 Near-Critical Oil and Gas Relative Permeabilities
    􀁹 Diffusion
    􀁹 Numerical Dispersion
    􀁹 Gas-Water Systems
    􀁹 Tracers
    􀁹 Carbon Dioxide Solution in the Aqueous Phase
    􀁹 Transport Coefficients
    1 ECLIPSE 300 Exercise
    2 Summary


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    PVTI and ECPLISE 300

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-7-19 15:36
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