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    发表于 2014-10-7 10:59:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 smartdou 于 2014-10-7 11:10 编辑

    • Cost Detail for a Horizontal Well

      I'm looking for a breakdown of the cost components of a recent horizontal well. I know they generally cost $4-8 million and the hydraulic fracturing is usually more than the drilling cost, but I don't have a good split between rig rental, casing and cementing, mud supplies, directional drilling, fracturing, etc. Does anyone have a recent AFE that they could share? (maybe black out any identifying information if you need to keep it confidential).

    AnswersJoseph Triepke answered 4 days ago

    Great question, Paul. I'm going to stay tuned to this thread and see if a redacted AFE turns up - as you noted that would be your best source, have the most detail, and be the most recent indication.

    That said, costs components can vary quite a bit regionally (variables like local equipment availability and resource depth and complexity impact play-by-play costs). A Marcellus AFE might look a whole lot different than a Niobrara AFE.

    With that in mind, I wanted to provide you with some "average well" estimates that I compiled not too long ago based on datapoints disclosed by E&P, drilling and service company management teams. This may be a bit more general than what you were looking for, but it will give you a sense of how costs have changed as the industry has moved from vertical (conventional) wells to horizontal (unconventional) wells.

    Interestingly, just the frac cost of an unconventional well alone actually exceeds the entire budgets of many conventional wells drilled in NAM over the past 10-15 years. Its not that drilling costs have come down, but completion cost growth and intensity has been explosive.

    In the past, drilling budgets could account for as much as 60-70% of conventional well costs, with the drilling rig itself grabbing 15-25% of the total well cost. Today, the roles have been reversed with the advent of multi-stage fracing, steadily increasing drilling rig efficiencies, and horizontal drilling proliferation. Completion spending has steadily gained share.

    Modern drilling budgets (including set up costs, fluids, rental equipment, rig, bits, casing, P&A, and labor) comprise 35-40% of the total unconventional well cost. Drilling rigs make up about 8-12% of total well costs. Meanwhile, completion budgets now comprise 60-70% of the cost of unconventional wells. Frac spreads and the stimulation process/consumables can grab half the spending on any given unconventional well today.

    With average horizontal footage per well rising, and stages per well up big as well, the completion wallet that service and frac contractors are targeting should continue to grow (and likely has grown since we compiled these estimates).

    I look forward to seeing additional responses with more detail around the completion components.

    Joseph Triepkeanswered 4 days ago

    • Paul Parsons 4 days ago [size=10.998px]OP · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]· 1

      Great information, Joseph. It looks about right to me and I appreciate your response.

      I'm still hoping to get some more detail on individual cost items so that I can observe some of the current costs per unit. As you noted, total well costs can be quite different by area and even quite different within the same area -- particularly since available leased space can impact the length of laterals. Also, as you noted, the fracturing technology is evolving with new methods (such as open-hole sliding sleeve), greater intensity, more focus on natural fracturing and better monitoring tools.

    • Brett Field 9 hours ago · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]·

      Excellent and informative reply, Joseph. Thanks!

    $ 50,000 location

    $ 60,000 rig move
    $546,000 rig
    $ 25,000 rig crew safety bonus
    $ 79,100 bits & PHA
    $ 48,600 fuel
    $ 42,500 water
    $ 55,500 mud & chemicals
    $ 50,000 cementing
    $ 35,000 open hole logging & testing
    $ 19,200 mud logging
    $ 6,750 transportation
    $ 6,750 drilling overhead
    $100,500 equipment rental
    $ 2,160 environmental & safety
    $120,000 directional drilling
    $ 33,750 supervision
    $ 4,050 communications
    $ 26,000 tubular inspection & handling
    $ 15,000 specialty services
    $ 94,500 disposal services
    $ 10,000 title - drill site
    $118,936 contingencies
    $1,576,296 total - drilling intangibles

    $ 28,000 conductor 20"
    $ 11,500 surface casing 11 3/4"
    $ 82,500 intermediate casing 8 5/8"
    $ 33,000 wellhead
    $115,100 total - drilling tangibles


    $ 22,000 daywork rig
    $ 1,200 bits
    $ 2,000 fuel
    $ 15,000 water
    $ 50,000 cementing
    $ 15,000 logging
    $ 60,000 perforating
    $500,000 acid/frac
    $ 5,000 transportation
    $ 2,500 completion overhead
    $160,000 equipment rental
    $ 60,000 completion rig
    $ 2,000 environmental & safety
    $ 20,000 supervision
    $ 500 communications
    $ 14,404 tubular inspection
    $ 5,000 disposal costs
    $ 75,000 contingencies
    $1,009,604 total intangible completion

    $170,800 production string 5 1/2"
    $ 50,000 tubing
    $ 10,000 wellhead equipment
    $ 30,000 tanks
    $ 5,000 flow lines
    $ 30,000 fittings
    $ 44,000 rods
    $125,000 surface pump
    $ 8,000 sub-surface pump
    $ 18,000 heater, treating, separator
    $ 15,000 metering
    $ 70,000 contingencies
    $575,800 total completion tangibles

    Bob Malone @ malonepetroleumconsulting Completion

    Bob Maloneanswered 8 hours ago

    • Paul Parsons 5 hours ago [size=10.998px]OP · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]· 1

      Bob, thank you very much! Can you tell me a little more about the well such as the area and total depth. I see that it has an intermediate casing string and I assume it is an oil target due to the rod pump.

    • Bob Malone 5 hours ago · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]· 1

      Paul it is a well in New Mexico.
      The TD is 12,500'.
      Yes, it is an oil well.

    • mike pickens answered 9 hours ago
      mike pickensanswered 9 hours ago

      • Glyn Weatherall 2 hours ago · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]·

        Mike, I would be interested in the AFE also if possible. Thanks Glyn

      • Paul, email me I'll forward you an AFE mike mopickens@gmail.com

    • Linda Swope answered 9 hours ago

      You might want to look at a 2012 University of Pittsburg report at the address below to see some of the details generated from a Marcellus Well


      or one done by Rigzone in the Eagle Ford based on a survey of operators in the region, drilling & completion cost per well ranging from $5.5 to $9.5 million:


      These were done a few years ago but I hope this helps.....looking forward to see information anyone might have from 2013-2014 timeframe.

      Linda Swopeanswered 9 hours ago

      • Paul Parsons 5 hours ago [size=10.998px]OP · [url=]Like[/url][url=]Unlike[/url]·

        Linda, thank you for the links! They both have useful information. There sure is a big difference in stimulation costs on Eagle Ford vs. Marcellus wells according to those reports.


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