TA的每日心情 | 开心 2016-11-30 00:01 |
签到天数: 44 天 [LV.5]常住居民I
楼主 |
发表于 2014-5-23 16:49:06
(1) 您中国石油大学(华东)建模讲座的资料中关于fault model讲到:Philosophy: Use as few key pillars as possible. Use as few shape points as possible. Use enough key pillars and shape points to define the fault shape. Remember: If the fault is not right and needs editing, the more pillars and shape points there are, the harder those edits will be! 有点疑惑的是,到底应该多用pillar和shape points还是少用呢,我没去现场听课,不太理解
(3)在make horizon的时候,用于约束的两个面是一样的(底面是通过顶面给个A值后calculation出来的),但是生成的两个horizon面在断层处差别很大,顶面与地震解释的面吻合较好,底面在断层处全部上翘了(如图示),貌似horizon底面在断层处完全没有控制住,想问下是什么原因