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[ECLIPSE] uncertain subsurface information into multiple reservoir simulation models

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    2016-12-6 08:32
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    发表于 2014-1-13 18:50:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Integration of uncertain subsurface information into multiple reservoir simulation models

    MICHAEL E. GLINSKY and BRUCE ASHER, BHP Billiton Petroleum, Houston, USA
    ROBIN HILL, MARK FLYNN, and MARK STANLEY, BHP Billiton Petroleum, Perth, Australia
    JAMES GUNNING, CSIRO Petroleum, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
    TROY THOMPSON, DownUnder GeoSolutions, Perth, Australia
    JEROME KALIFA and STEPHANE MALLAT, Let It Wave, école Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
    CHRIS WHITE, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
    DIDIER RENARD, L’école des Mines, Fontainebleau, France

    Successful appraisal and development of oil and gas fields requires the integration of uncertain subsurface informationinto multiple reservoir simulation models. This information includes seismic data, various types of well data, and geologicconcepts. Over the past five years, a workflow has been developed by various organizations in conjunction with BHPBilliton Petroleum. This distinctive approach focuses first on building mesoscale reservoir models that can be constrainedby seismic data (typically with a resolution up to the stratigraphic seismic loop scale, see Prather et al., 2000), then introducingthe finer scale geologic concepts and well data needed for reservoir simulation models (stratigraphic first- and second-order subseismic scale, where each order is about a factor  of three in size) via a downscaling step that honorsmesoscale model constraints. Uncertainty and correlations of  the well and seismic measurements are always taken intoaccount. In fact, they are necessary to be able to combine the  various measurements. Bayesian probabilistic techniques areused extensively in this process. The result is an ensemble of  reservoir simulation models consistent with all subsurfaceinformation.

    Integration of uncertain subsurface information into multiple reservoir simulati.pdf

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