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本帖最后由 laden6969 于 2013-9-12 22:17 编辑
FracMan 7.4FracMan’s 2012 release provides unrivaled power to solve practical reservoir engineering issues. Major new features and performance enhancements keep FracMan your #1 choice for Discrete Fracture Network analysis.
Improvements over previous versions of FracMan includes the following:
File Import / Export
- ASCII PLY file (also known as the “Stanford Triangle Format”) import/export for surfaces, tracemaps and point data sets.
- ESRI Shapefile import/export for surfaces, tracemaps and point data sets.
- Vulcan surface ASCII import/export is complete
- Import/export IRAP, CPS3 and ZMap+ lines files (tracemap objects).
- Large file support for interpolating large ascii files to property values. When this option is selected, the file will be parsed and interpolated one line at a time – this allows interpolation of multi-gigabyte ASCII files on a normal class machine. This interpolation is basically linear with the size of the file and can take hours to days to complete.
- New .fro (FracMan Object) file format which supports single/multiple objects/definitions in a binary format for simple exchange between .frd models.
- Progress bar with cancel support has been added to .frd file load
Parameter SweepingYou can define the sweep range for any named parameters in your model. You can specify a constant value, a min/max/step or a list of discreet values. In place of a standard monte carlo analysis, the selected fracture generation / analyses will be run once for every point in the parameter space defined.
Improved Edit Features
- Create point data from objects – This will create a point data set from virtually any object
- Copy selected object names – This will copy the names of any selected objects to the clipboard.
- Create well log subsets from well intervals.
It is now simpler to separate well logs into subsets by depth range. If you set up all your intervals of interest as interval sets you can create well logs of those intervals over your entire model in one operation. - Triangulate Points – Generate a surface object out of a set of point data.
- Compute Coordinate Frame
This will create a set of coordinate reference frame properties from surface face orientations. - Define Stress Properties
This feature simplifies the definition of the stress field properties used by the Critical Stress Analysis and the Stress Propagation fracture generation. You can select existing property names for each of the principal values or enter your own as well as specifying a constant property value. - Surface decimation 2D hull outline option
This option will compute the 2D convex hull of the object (projected in the selected direction) to enable surface decimation of close surface objects.
- Variable Thickness Layers in Grid Between Surfaces
When generating a grid between two surfaces you can now specify non-uniform layer thicknesses.
UI Improvements
- The objects bar now has autoscroll when in drag and drop
- The objects bar drag and drop supports multi-select
- Added right click menu for copy/paste/delete to well definition dialog
- Added ctrl+C handler to log window
- Added ctrl+G shortcut to add object group
- Improved support for context sensitive help / context specific help “popups”
- High resolution screen shots – You can now take screen shots at higher than screen resolution.
These beautiful images are useful for publication where high dpi images are required. - Select Element by Index
This feature allows you to select an object element (cell, vertex, face) by index enabling you to inspect properties, location etc. - Fault movement improved with non-stretch option
The fault movement feature has been improved with an option that allows the original “stretch” option (vertices along the fault only were moved) as well as a new method where all vertices on the offset side of the fault are moved creating a more standard fault operation - Merge Surfaces
In some cases multiple surfaces will in fact make up a single surface object – select the surfaces you want to merge together and a new object will be created that is the union of both originals. - Replace Property Values
In order to fill in missing data or substitute values in particular ranges with other values you can now select “Filter Values” from the property edit dialog.
Generation of Natural Fractures
- Update P32 for Truncated Distributions
This is calculates a p32 reduction factor based on any truncated distributions used in the fracture set definition. - Improved Tessellated Fracture Sets
Tessellated fracture sets now have a smaller memory footprint and performance of stratigraphic/tracemap generation. - Stored Generation Seed
The seed value that was used to generate a fracture set is now stored during generation and displayed in the attributes window. - Improved Spatial Bootstrapping
New bootstrapping options include selecting a random point weighted by distance or distance squared.
3D Hydraulic FractureThe hydraulic fracture simulation has had almost continuous improvements over the past version based on feedback from users and real world experience.

- Smooth Outline – This option will cause generated hydro fracs to have a more rounded appearance.
- Thin Layer Generation
Improvements to the generation of the hydro fracture when the generation region is a thin layer that is smaller than the refinement fracture size. - Max Flow Distance Option
The maximum flow distance can be preset by the user or auto searched by the program. - Static Pressure Effect
The pressure difference from different fracture elevations can be automatically taken into account. - Elastic Parameters
Young’s Modulous and Poisson’s Ratio can be correlated to a spatially varying (grid) property. - Input Flow Ratio
The input flow ratio can be specified as a user variable or as a correlation. - Expanded Injected Element Report
MAFIC – Fracture Network Flow and Transport
- Import MAFIC Particle Tracking
MAFIC particle tracking files (tracks.pcl) can now be directly imported as point data sets. - Import for MAFIC Timesteps
Any/all timesteps can be imported by selecting “Import Timestep Pressures” from the MAFIC definition menu. - Interface for Edmesh mesh cleanup
- Edmesh mesh cleanup / operation can be applied (after meshing is complete) by selecting “Optimize Mesh” from the MAFIC definition menu.
- Well Log Lathe display
This is a display that shows the well log as a 3 dimensional “pipe” of varying radius along the well. - Well Log Ribbon display
This mode shows the well log as a 2 dimensional “Ribbon” of varying size along the well trajectory. You can visualize up to 4 different properties at a time (1 for each compass direction). - Point Data Display Percent
You can improve performance by displaying only a selected percentage of a point data set. Enter the desired display percent in the attributes bar.
Licensing Options
- Online Demo activation
Demo licenses are now activated online using the registration dialog box. The user enters their email address in the box provided and presses “Activate Online”. - Demo activation from special USB dongle
This provides the ability to activate a demo license using specially encoded “workshop” dongle.
USB dongle update from online system - Updates to USB dongle based licenses can now be applied from the online system
- FlexLM license system
Available by special request only
Other Improvements
- Improved Curvature calculation: The curvature calculation has been improved to interpolate curvature values along surface edges from nearby non-edge vertices.
- Pathway Analysis: The pathway analysis can now use surface objects as the source and sink objects as well as well objects.
- Well Log Interval Properties: Intervals now have properties that provide the xyz coordinates of the interval top and bottom points, these properties can be exported, visualized, etc.
- Grid Layer Property Report: Report the mean/min/max/count of all properties of a grid, layer by layer. Select a grid object in the objects bar and select “Grid Layer Property Report” from the Static Analysis -> Grid menu. The report will exclude inactive and invisible cells.
FracMan 7.4
Now Available
Recent NewsSPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Sept 30 – Oct 2
AEG Annual Meeting Sept 11-13
SPE Workshop September 11-13
See us August 12-14 at the URTeC in Denver
Golder is presenting at SPE Workshop May 15-17
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