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美国密苏里科技大学石油工程系招聘Postdoc博士后和Research professor

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-12-4 03:03
  • 签到天数: 490 天


    发表于 2013-5-1 22:51:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 06108112 于 2013-5-1 22:52 编辑

    Three Position Openings (updated Feb 27, 2013, open until the positions are filled, contact Baojun Bai, Email:  baib@mst.edu)

    1. Postdoc Position I: Polymer sythesis for Oilfield application

    The Position is open for a candidate who has strong background in polymer or super absorbent polymer synthesis and evalulation.  Our plan is to synthesize two kinds of crosslinked polymers: the first type can be degrated into high viscous polymer under reservoir temperature at a designed period of time (e.g. 6 month at 45 C); and the second type can self-recrosslinked together to form a more strong gel to block fractures and voids under reservoir temperature.  Please send your CV to baib@mst.edu. Update d Feb 27, 2013

    2. Postdoc Position II:  Fluid Flow in the Porous Media with Nano-pore size or Micromodel Experience

    The successful candidate will conduct research on nano-channel imaging using our single cell and single molecule imaging system to investigate fluid flow behavior of different fluids and gases in tight formations during hydraulic fracturing.  The postdoctoral fellow will design the experiments, carry out the experiments, collect data and analyze the data.  The postdoctoral fellow will write monthly report on the progress of the project.   In addition, the postdoctoral fellow will help directing a graduate student who is working on the same funded project.  Overall, the postdoctoral fellow must guarantee a smooth progress of the funded project in timely manner as proposed.  The successful candidate will also oversee and guide the research of multiple graduate students and also have an opportunity to participate in other projects and activities related to advanced analytical chemistry methods.

    The postdoctoral fellow candidate must have a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, previous post-doctoral fellow experience will be preferred but not required, and have extensive research experience in conducting research using single cell and single molecule imaging systems on micro- and nano-fluidic chips.  In addition, the postdoctoral fellow candidate must have optical alignment experience because the experiments involve many optical designs and alignments.  It will be a plus if the candidate has experience working with GC, GC/MS/MS, HPLC, and/or LC/MS/MS.

    3. Research Professor Position:

    The Petroleum Engineering Program at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) seeks applicants for a non-tenure track assistant/associate research professor.  Applicants must have a strong  background in enhanced oil recovery technologies, shale gas, polymer synthesis and characterization, or using single molecular imaging systems to characterize fluid flow behavior in porous media. Candidates must have an earned PhD in Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering or a related area appropriate to support research.  The strongest candidates will have experience to manage research projects and laboratories. Excellent publication history is preferred. Solid oral and written communication skills are essential.

    The successful candidate is expected to develop a creative and productive research program to enhance unconventional oil and gas production. Experience with interdisciplinary research is desirable. The appointee is expected to manage petroleum research laboratories, to supervise PhD students, to write proposals for research fundings.

    For more information about Dr. Baojun Bai and these three positions, please visit Personal Page:              http://web.mst.edu/~baib/


    密苏里科技大学 (Missouri University of Science and Technology),原名为密苏里大学罗拉分校(University of Missouri at Rolla, USA),成立于1870年。作为密苏里大学体系中的一员,它是密西西比地区第一所科学,工程,技术类学校。发展到20世纪20年代,密苏里科技大学已经发展成为集工商管理、计算机、土木、信息管理等多学科于一体的综合性大学。密苏里科技大学办学历史悠久,科研实力雄厚,其能源、土木、材料等学科处于全美前列,采矿工程学科排名全美第二。尽管密苏里科技大学是一所以工程科学为特长的国际知名大学,密苏里科技大学也具有包括商业管理,人文科学,社会科学以及艺术等丰富全面的专业。

      1. 全美最好的前50所大学
    被《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World Report)评为全美最好的50所大学之一,在“2009全美最佳高校”排名中名列公立学校排名第35名(2010年8月)”。
      2. 中西部第1名,全国第12名
      3. 前20所STEM研究高校之一
      4. 最佳起薪待遇
    据PayScale Inc.的毕业生起始薪酬调查统计,名列中西部第一,全美25(PayScale Inc., 2011年7月)
           5. 最高性价比的大学 (U.S. News and World Report,2011年8月)
      6. 前25名创业型大学校园(福布斯,2004年10月)
      7. 前27名最安全校园(美国读者文摘,2008年2月)
           8. 具有最佳价值的100所高校之一(Kiplinger‘s Personal Finance,2008年2月)


    发表于 2013-5-1 23:19:37 | 显示全部楼层
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