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[其他l软件] Petro-Calculator

  • TA的每日心情

    2017-12-13 16:39
  • 签到天数: 54 天


    发表于 2012-6-6 15:14:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    The Petro-Calculator is designed to assist with the common calculations associated with the handling and quantification of petroleum liquids.
    The functions of the calculator are as follows:
    Volume Correction Factor
    Conversion of volume at observed temperature to volume at 15°C for crude oils, generalised petroleum products and lube oils using ASTM Tables 54A, B and D  and Generalised Light Products (including LPG) using DIN 51 757 Annex B and Annex G volume correction factors, with the option of rounding the correction factor to four or five decimal places. The calculation of the ASTM VCF incorporates the rounding and truncation routines defined by the ASTM Standard.

    Standard Density Correction
    Correction of density at observed temperature to (standard) density at 15°C for crude oils, generalised petroleum products and lube oils in accordance with ASTM Tables 53A, B and D, with the option for hydrometer correction. The calculation of the standard density incorporates the rounding and truncation routines defined by the ASTM Standard.

    - Standard volume
      Calculation between KL @ 15°C / US Barrels @ 60°F based on known API or density @ 15°C
    - Volume
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      litres/  cubic metres/  US barrels/ US gallons/ imperial gallons/ cubic feet
    - Weight
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      metric tons/ long tons/ short tons/ pounds
    - Gravity
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      density @ 15°C/ API/ pounds per US Gallon (per ASTM tables 3, 8 and 51)
    - Pressure
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      kPa/ psi/ Atm/ bar/ kgcm-2/ mm hg
    - Length
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      decimal feet / inches/ millimetres/ feet-inch-inch fraction (select inch fraction rounding to 1/2", 1/4", 1/8", 1/10" or 1/16")
    - Temperature
      Intra-conversion of the following units:
      degrees C/ degrees F

    Pipeline Capacity
    Volume Calculation of standard schedule pipelines ranging from 3/4" to 36", with the option to overwriting standard dimensions if required.

    Time Calculations
    Calculation of elapsed decimal hours and hours minutes between commence and completion dates and times. Back calculation of commence date/time or completion date/time from elapsed time is also available. Also reports decimal days.
    Features drop down calendars.

    Pipeline Flow and Pressure Calculations
    Calculations of pipeline flow rate (kl/hr and metres per second) from either kPa or liquid head (metres) input, and visa versa. The program caters for a pipeline with up to three sections of varying diameter in series and any number of parallel identical pipelines. The hydraulic horsepower is also calculated.
    The calculations employ the Hagen-Poiseuille, Darcy-Weisbach, Chue and Colebrooke-White equations.

    Maximum Flow Rate Pressure Surge Calculation
    Calculation of a limited flow rate to avoid the risk of damaging pressure surge against inadvertent rapid valve closure (such as during topping off aboard ship etc), in accordance with the formular provided in the ISGOTT manual.

    Head Pressure Calculation
    Calculation of the head pressure arising from a liquid column e.g. liquid height in a storage tank and within an inclined pipeline etc.   



    参与人数 1阳光币 +5 收起 理由
    admin + 5 精品资料,感谢楼主


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    好软件啊 谢谢
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