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去海外留学 有关Offer

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-5-25 14:12
  • 签到天数: 169 天


    发表于 2012-4-26 18:14:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Offer一般会先给你一个email通知, 但也不排除有的学校不发email直接发平信的情况。

    这个通知有可能是录取你的教授发的,也有可能是系里的小秘发的。我们先看看一个 Email的 Offer Letter 的例子,同时我们来具体解释一下其中的关键部分(英文是原文,汉语是给出的解释) 。

    Dear XXX,

    I am pleased to inform you that we are recommending your admission into our graduate program. A formal offer letter will be mailed to you early next week, but I wanted to let you know in advance of its arrival. Below is a copy of the letter you will receive.

    (就是 Email 先 通知你 offer 内容,然后 会寄给你 正式的 Offer Letter 。)


    Dear XXX:

    I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Mathematics is offering you admission to its graduate program and a half-time graduate assistantship(给你助教奖学金,学生一般是 1/2 助 教,极少数是 1/4 的。 ). The stipend will be at least $13,000 for the ten month academic year 2003-04, with a reduction of tuition and fees from $8130 to $478 per semester and $239 for the summer session. (tuition waiver的意思是免除学费,也叫做 tuition scholarship。一定要看清 楚有没有这个,国外大学的学费一般都是很贵的,没有的话就要从你的奖学金里拿出一大部

    分交学费了)(These fees are from 2002-2003; there will be a slight increase for 2003-04.) If you pass the departmental screening and are able to be given a classroom assignment the stipend will be at least $14,200. Also, students who perform their duties satisfactorily during the year may hold

    a summer teaching assistantship in 2004 to earn an additional stipend (see enclosure).(主要是介绍你的奖学金数目内容)

    Since your appointment is half-time or more for at least a semester, you will be enrolled automatically in the Graduate Student Staff Health Plan. If you choose to accept this plan, the University will subsidize approximately 80% of the cost. (送你医疗保险,一般的 TA或 RA都会送医疗保险。 Fellowship 就要看他在 offer里说没说了, 一般的 fellowship 是送医疗保险的,没提到很可能要你自己买保险,钱数多少不同地方保险价格不同)Additional coverage for a spouse and other dependents is available, but without the University subsidy.

    Other pertinent features of the assistantship are described in the enclosure. Please read this carefully, especially the sections on duties and the dates for the academic year and orientation week. International Students and Scholars will have an orientation program on August 14 and 15 that you are required to attend. (TA的培训, 一般助教都要事先参加这个培训) You will receive more information on this program when you receive your I-20 or IAP-66. You should not apply for your visa or make travel plans until you receive a formal letter of admission from the Graduate School and your Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or IAP-66, which you need in order to apply for a visa) from the Office of International Student Services(签证时需要提交的表格). These papers will be sent to you as soon as all admission procedures are completed. Visa applications to the United States are being processed much more slowly than in the past. Because of this we strongly encourage you to decide on our offer and let us know as soon as possible.

    If you wish to accept this appointment, please respond in writing by April 15(看得出来是参加了4.15 协议的学校, 后面有专门介绍). Under a resolution of the Council of Graduate Schools, acceptance of an offer of financial support for the next academic year completes an agreement that both you and Purdue University expect to honor. If you accept our offer before April 15 and subsequently desire to withdraw your acceptance, you may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits you not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from Purdue University.

    While it is your obligation to respond in writing by April 15, it would be very helpful to me if you would let me know your intentions as soon as possible.

    I hope you will write soon accepting our offer of an assistantship. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.(有问题就问把,他们很乐于答复的,毕竟你已经使他们的学生了。 )

    Sincerely yours,


    正式的Offer Package里面一般至少会有一封Offer Letter和一个Acceptance Form。 此外,如果是系里发来的,还可能包括系里的教授介绍、课程介绍等等。如果是研究生院发来的,还可能包括健康证明、学校介绍、租房协议等等。一般来说第一次的 Offer Package 不包括I-20 表,但也有少数学校会连同 I-20 表一起,把 offer letter寄给你。

    如果你收到的不是 offer,而是 admission,那么你的 Admission Package 一般与此类似,可能多出来的就是财力证明表。


    参与人数 1阳光币 +2 收起 理由
    yushan + 2 精品资料,感谢楼主


  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-18 15:01
  • 签到天数: 640 天


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