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摘录一段The Geological Society special publication: Seismic Geomorphology: Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production ,Seismic geomorphology- an overview 一文中关于如何选择切片技术的文字(作者:H. W. POSAMENTIER, R. J. DAVIES, J. A. CARTWRIGHT & L. WOOD),对大家肯定有帮助,没来得及翻译,但是我想大家都能看懂:
Horizon parallel or stratal slicing.
Several tech-niques exist for slicing through a 3D seismic data volume. They include time slices, dipping planar slices, horizon-parallel slices (i.e. stratal slices), and proportional slices. Commonly, when looking for stratigraphic features, the best results are obtained by slicing as near as possible to the target interval and parallel to a well-mapped structural horizon. This technique will reduce the affects of structuring that might obscure the imaging of palaeo-geomorphic features. Where seismic reflections are parallel and nearly horizontal, then seismic time slices would suffice (Figs 4 and 5a). Where reflections are uniformly dipping, then dipping planar slices are appropriate (Fig. 5 b). Where reflections are characterized by variable dip, then horizon parallel or horizon slices (i.e. stratal slices) yield the best results (Fig. 5c). In those instances where reflections are uniformly divergent, then proportional slicing would be ideal. This involves slicing between two non-par-allel reflections, whereby the interval between the two reflections is proportionately divided into an equal number of slices (Fig. 6).
-------------------------------------------------------- 通过G&G软件中提供几种切片技术,可实现上述切片类型: time slices:在三维地震数据体中,直接沿某个时间切片出时间切片; dipping planar slices:使用自由切片工具可以切出任何倾斜角度的切片; horizon-parallel slices :使用沿层切片工具; proportional slices:使用层段切片模型可实现等比例切割地指定层段。 层段切片:当需要计算某两个参考层之间层段的统计属性时,可事先在两层之间制作层段切片,然后再进行统计计算。
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