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[页岩气求助] Coalbed methane (CBM) simulators

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-7-30 10:26
  • 签到天数: 16 天


    发表于 2011-8-25 16:55:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Coalbed methane (CBM) simulators also model physical mechanisms thought to be
    important in CBE recovery and CO2 storage processes: the dual porosity structure of the
    coal bed, adsorption/desorption of CH4 at the coal surface, coal matrix shrinkage due to
    CH4 desorption, and diffusion of gas from the matrix to the fracture system. Additional
    physical mechanisms that may play a role in CO2 storage on coalbeds include: coal
    matrix swelling due to CO2 adsorption onto the coal surface, mixed gas adsorption, and
    diffusion of multiple gas components.
        Enhanced CBM simulators that are applicable to CO2 storage can be divided into two
    groups: those that use a compositional framework and those that adopt a black oil
    framework. In the compositional framework, fluid properties are rigorously modeled
    based on an equation of state. In the black oil framework, fluid properties are supplied by
    lookup tables, obtained through laboratory work or correlations.

        2.2.1 PSU-COALCOMP
        PSU-COALCOMP [85] is a compositional, dual porosity coal bed methane simulator
    that accounts for multi-component sorption and transport phenomena. Multicomponent
    sorption is modeled via an ideal adsorbed solution theory and the Peng-Robinson
    equation of state. Mass transfer between the matrix and fracture system is defined via a
    sorption time constant, a lumped parameter that incorporates diffusion time, rate or
    sorption/desorption and cleat spacing of the coal. GCOMP a simulator that assumes
    instantaneous diffusion between the matrix and the fracture systems, allowing reduction
    of the system to a single porosity system [90]. Mixed gas adsorption is modeled via an
    extended Langmuir model. In this approach, the concentration of each gas component is
    a function of its partial pressure. Geomechanical effects on permeability and porosity are
    modeled, as are coal matrix shrinkage and swelling due to adsorption/desorption of gases
    on the coal surface.
        2.2.2 SIMED
        SIMED II is a two phase multicomponent single or dual porosity coal bed reservoir
    simulator [100]. The Peng-Robinson equation of state is used to calculate fluid
    properties. Water phase properties are evaluated internally. Multiphase gas adsorption
    can be modeled via an extended Langmuir isotherm or an ideal adsorbed solution model.
    Stress dependent permeability and porosity can be accounted for through a choice of one
    of five models. SIMED II also accounts for geomechanical effects associated with
    injection. A dynamic fracture model represents the initiation and growth of injection
    induced hydraulic fractures.
        2.2.3 CMG-GEM
        CMG-GEM [12] is another multiphase, multicomponent single of dual porosity coal
    bed reservoir simulator. Phase behavior can be described by either the Peng-Robinson or
    Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state. Shape factors can be used to account for flow
    between porosities and additional transfer enhancements can be used to account for fluid
    placement in the fractures. Mixed gas adsorption is modeled via an extended Langmuir
    isotherm, and the corresponding diffusion model can be selected base on either
    concentrations calculated from adsorption characteristics or based on free gas properties.
    Stress dependent relative permeability changes and matrix swelling and shrinkage can be
         2.2.4 METSIM2
         METSIM2 [88, 89] is a 3D multicomponent, triple porosity coal bed reservoir
    simulator. This formulation assumes that there is no water present in macropore system,
    only free gas exists, and its transport is diffusion controlled. This formulation allows for
    the competitive desporption in coal by specifying different diffusion time constants for
    the macropore and the micropore systems. Gas properties are calculated using an
    equation of state. Multicomponent adsorption is described using an extended Langmuir
    model. METSIM2 is also coupled to a wellbore and rock mechanics simulator, allowing
    pore pressure dependent permeability functionality.
          2.2.5 COMET3
         COMET3 is an extension of COMET and COMET2, developed to model low-rank
    coal and water saturated gas-shale reservoirs [78]. It can model single, dual and triple
    porosity approximation of the coal bed system. In the triple porosity system, gas desorbs
    from the internal matrix, and migrates to the micropermeability matrix and finally to the
    cleat system where it flows to the wellbore. In this formulation, the micropermeability
    matrix system also models multiphase effects. This accounts for the establishment of a
    critical gas saturation in the matrix, which may be responsible for a delay in early time
    gas production observed in some fields. Desorption and diffusion are explicitly modeled.
    COMET3 can model multiple gas components, and accounts for different diffusion rates
    of the components. An extended Langmuir isotherm is used to model mixed gas
    adsorption. Pore volume compressibility accounts for stress dependent porosity and
    permeability changes. A differential swelling model based on laboratory experiments
    accounts for swelling attributed to non-CH4 components of the gas.
          2.2.6 ECLIPSE-100
         ECLIPSE-100 [86] is a black oil simulator with additional features for modeling
    CBM. A dual porosity system is used to model the coal bed system. This simulator is
    only able to handle two gas components, and therefore it is not able to model an ECBM
    process with flue gas injection. Compositional effects between CO2 and CH4 are handled
    by introducing a “solvent” phase. Adsorption is described by the Langmuir isotherm.
    Eclipse-100 can account for coal shrinkage and compaction effects.
         2.3 Summary: Simulation technology
            The simulators currently available for aquifer and coalbed storage of CO2 are very
    capable, with many physical mechanisms represented. They will continue to be very
    useful for exploring the interplay of physical mechanisms for computational grids of
    limited size, but they are subject to significant limitations for application at field scale.
    Conventional finite-difference compositional simulations, even with relatively small
    numbers of components, are too slow to handle high resolution representation of thespatial distribution of permeability at field scale, and when coarse computational grids
    are used instead, they are badly affected by numerical diffusion, which can alter
    calculated composition paths in a way that affects calculated performance significantly.
    Hence, they are probably not suitable for routine simulation of field-scale flows at grid
    resolutions sufficient to capture the effects of preferential flow paths created by reservoir
    heterogeneity, especially if the impact of variability in the permeability distribution is to
    be assessed. For screening of sites, assessment of areas invaded by CO2, or rapid
    exploration of the impact of injection well placement, simulation tools that are
    significantly more efficient, but necessarily more limited in the mechanisms represented,
    are appropriate. One approach, the use of streamline methods, is demonstrated in the
    following sections for two of the geologic settings, gas reservoirs and aquifers.
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    发表于 2011-9-8 12:08:21 | 显示全部楼层
    Eclipse has a option about CBM simulation
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