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[英文博士1979]Steam-Water Relative Permeability



发表于 2011-7-31 16:29:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Steam-Water Relative Permeability

Author:  John Raymond Counsil
Year:  1979
Degree:  PhD
Adviser: Ramey
file: Counsil79.pdf (3.82 MB, 下载次数: 11, 售价: 10 阳光币)

Steam-water relative permeability curves are required for mathematical models of two-phase geothermal reservoirs. In this study, drainage steam-water relative permeabilities were obtained from steady, two-phase, non-isothermal bench scale flow experiments. Liquid water saturations were measured along the length of the synthetic sandstone cores using a capacitance probe.
In addition, nitrogen-water relative permeabilities were obtained for a synthetic sandstone core. These isothermal, unsteady gas-drive experiments were used to determine drainage relative permeabilities and calculated water saturations. Experiments were conducted at several temperatures and pressures. It was established that nitrogen-water relative permeability was not strongly temperature dependent below 300'F at confining pressures less than 300-500 psig.
A comparison of the steam-water and nitrogen-water relative permeability curves indicated that at high water saturations, the external gas drive (nitrogen-water) gas relative permeabilities were larger than the internal gas drive (steam-water) steam relative permeabilities.
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