优秀团员:Excellent member of youth league of the Communist Party;
优秀团干部:Excellent cadre of youth league of the Communist Party;
国家励志奖学金:National Inspirational Scholarship;
国家奖学金:National Scholarship;
组织能力奖学金:Organization Ability Award;
体育优秀奖学金:Sporting Activity Award;
三好学生:Outstanding Student \ triple A student\Merit student ;
一等、二等、三等奖学金:First/Second/Third class scholarship;
中石油:CNPC:China National Petroleum Corporation;
中石化:Sinopec:China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation;
中海油:CNOOC:China National Offshore Oil Corporation;
高等数学:Advanced math;
C语言:Programming language;
电工电子:Electrical science;
工程热力学:Engineering Thermodynamics
传热学:Heat transfer;
画法几何与工程制图:Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing;
机械设计基础:Mechanical Design;
物理化学:Physical chemistry;
大学化学:General Chemistry;
线性代数:Linear algebra;
CAD: Computer Aided Design;
测量学:Measurement Science;
测量仪表与自动化:Measuring Instrument and Automatization
泵与压缩机:Pump and compressor;
腐蚀与防腐:Corrosion and Anticorrosion of metal;
输气管道设计与管理:Compressible Gas Pipeline Design and Management;
金属焊接:Metal Welding;
专业英语:Professional English;
高阶英语:Advanced English;
原油流变学:Crude Oil Rheology and Measurement;
油气集输:Centralized Transportation of Oil and gas;
学士学位: Bachelor Degree;
英语水平测试:English Proficiency Test;