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本帖最后由 决策者能源海工 于 2023-2-21 14:21 编辑
Topic / 直播话题:On recent trends and projects in FPSO, FSO and floaters market in SE Asia / 东南亚FPS项目趋势和市场:聚焦新的增长点和合作机遇
主持人:Primila Edward,首席法律顾问,Straits咨询 对话嘉宾:KC Gupta,浮式生产解决方案副总裁,HBA Offshore
Content / 内容框架:Introduction to Types of FPSOs - Based on their processing and storage capabilities, FPSOs are classified into four common types:
1. Floating, Drilling, Production, Storage, and Offloading (FDPSO) unit
2. Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) unit
3. Floating, Storage, and Offloading (FSO) unit
4. Floating, Storage, and Regasification unit (FSRU)
• Benefits and drawbacks with FPSO and other floater projects
• Key FPSO Companies (Owners and Operations)
• Global FPSO Contracts Awards 2019-2022
• The Future of the FPSO Market & Notable FPSO Projects in 2023-2027 including FPSO Projects in SE Asia
• Growth of FLNG (Floating Liquified Natural Gas) market
直播链接:https://fid.h5.xeknow.com/sl/2YjdIm(小鹅通入口) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6075801587?pwd=T0lKbVNPcG1yT1RXMU44YTVrczVBUT09(zoom入口)