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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-1-11 00:20
  • 签到天数: 38 天


    发表于 2020-9-3 10:48:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 Joseph 于 2020-9-3 14:23 编辑

    作者:Neil Price

    原文链接:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5 ... s-avoid-neil-price/

    Over the past 20 years I’ve fallen into every one of these traps. Here’s what NOT to do.

    1. RUSH IN. I get it, you want to add value. You may feel pressure from colleagues and management to show value too, given the investment in you and the software. However, jumping in and assuming the project goal will become apparent as you progress will lead to compromise, re-work, and diminish your role within the team. You’ll be reactive and start chasing deadlines, instead of proactively leading the project. Always remember, the objective isn’t to twirl a colourful map on your screen, it’s to build a model that helps inform decisions for your organisation.

    2. INCLUDE EVERY DETAIL. One of the most common pitfalls and it usually accompanies #1. With no clear goal, people tend to build models at the scale of the data available (ie well logs). Their thought process is to cover their bases for any possible questions. Such models are unwieldy, difficult to update and costly in terms of time and expense. It's far better to work at a resolution tailored to the questions and problems you’ve been posed.

    3. WORK IN ISOLATION. One of the really powerful benefits of reservoir modelling is sharing data and ideas interactively in and between teams. Models require buy-in across; philosophies, concepts, workflows, results and decisions. Don’t share these intermittently, you’ll risk swamping peers with too much information and alienating team members from making shared decisions. There are times to work and times to share. An effective modeller will give equal weight to both.

    4. TRUST THE SOFTWARE. Effective modelling requires understanding of geological processes and geostatistics. Unfortunately, many geostatistical modelling methods are taught by rote. This leads to button pushing modelling where resultant parameters are merely ticked off a list. It’s far more powerful to build a simple model built on sound geological and geostatistical principles that you can defend, rather than a series of black-box outputs. Take the opportunity to learn some geostats theory and avoid becoming a button pusher.

    5. ONE MODEL. One model to rule them all. Call it what you will; Reference, Base, Best Case. For many reasons the creation, delivery and assumption that one model represents the uncertainties, risks, and volumes of the reservoir has become ingrained in our modelling mindset. At a push there’s sometimes a high / low case thrown into the mix. All models are wrong, so why put all your eggs in one basket. A model is merely a representation of the reservoir’s possible characteristics and behaviour. Assess the uncertainty space early and build conceptual or ensemble models. Do not begin your modelling down one path and end in a cul-de-sac.

    In conclusion, a good geomodel provides insight. It needs to add value by helping people make decisions. A good geomodeller:
    • Clearly defines objectives
    • Builds at the appropriate scale for the questions being asked
    • Communicates regularly with their team
    • Understands geological processes and geostatistical theory
    • Frames the uncertainty space

    #geomodelling #uncertainty #decisionanalysis #oilandgas
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-1-11 00:20
  • 签到天数: 38 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-9-3 14:22:03 | 显示全部楼层

    作者 Neil Price







    • 清晰规划目标
    • 根据问题制定合理模型精度
    • 与团队紧密沟通
    • 理解地质过程和地质统计学原理
    • 预留处足够的不确定性空间

    [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]#geomodelling #uncertainty #decisionanalysis #oilandgas
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