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[专业资料] 【英文】储气库断层封堵性及流动屏障功能评价(附讲稿)

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-5 22:44
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    发表于 2020-4-19 17:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 心似狂潮 于 2020-4-19 17:16 编辑

    格式:ppt标题:Faults as Fluid Flow Barriers and Their Role in Trapping Hydrocarbons页数:33页
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    1 Faults as Fluid Flow Barriers and Their Role in Trapping Hydrocarbons
    Suzanne CooganRichard NiceAyeni GboyegaKate Carter-Walford
    2 Introduction Fault seal mechanisms Influence on hydrocarbon fields
    Modelling and Flow PropertiesCase Studies
    3 How Can Faults Become Barriers to Fluid Flow?
    Juxtaposition of lithologies with different permeabilities across the faultSmearing of impermeable/semi-impermeable fault rocks in the fault zonesCataclastic grain-size reduction results from abrasion during deformation; smaller grains fill pore space and reduce porosityCementation of damage zone by precipitation of solutesA complex fault zone will exhibit varying transmissibility values in three dimensions and these will change with displacement through time
    4 JuxtapositionNeed definnationJuxtaposition of lithologies with different permeabilities across the fault
    5 Juxtaposition Coarse grained material (light colour)
    Analogous to a reservoir being juxtaposed against a sealing lithologyFine grained material (dark colour)

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-5 22:44
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-4-19 17:05:49 | 显示全部楼层
    6 CataclasisCataclastic grain-size reduction results from abrasion during deformation; smaller grains fill pore space and reduce porosityEffectiveness depends on:The hardness of the intact rockThe magnitude of displacementInitial normal stress on the fault surface prior to movement
    7 Grain Size and Sorting Reduction
    Feldspar AlterationClay Mineral FormationCataclasisShale smearing
    8 Sealing Mechanisms: Mica Orientation
    ProcessesShearingFluid flow
    9 Cementation Minerals carried in solution in water under high pressure
    As fault opens, pressure release occurs, water flows through fault and minerals precipitate out of solutionCrystallisation of cements in pore spaces reduces permeabilityCementReduced grain size
    10 Clay SmearingLayers of shale contained within sequence are drawn into fault as movement along plane progressesImpermeable layer formed along fault depending on Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) – ratio of sand to shale
    11 Shale Gouge RatioThis measure is useful for predicting sealing ability of fault. 18 – 30% indicates high probability of a sealThe SGR is the percentage of shale within a part of the sequence which has moved past a point on the fault surface
    12 Shale Gouge Example
    13 Shale Gouge RatioAs SGR increases, sealing ability improves. The clay has a small pore throat size and therefore high capillary entry pressureWith smaller gouge ratios, brittle fracture and therefore cataclasis dominates. Sealing is less effective than clay smearShale forms an extremely effective capillary seal and permeability barrier due to the every small size of the pore throats and pore spaces.A high SGR value for a particular region of a fault would indicate that rock units with a high percentage of shale have slipped past that part of the fault. It has been determined that the onset of static seal over geological time occurs when the fault gouge reaches 18 – 20 % SGR.The pressure drop of the (hydrocarbon column height) that the fault gouge can maintain increases as the calculated clay content of the fault increases.
    14 Examples of Clay Smearing
    These examples show 3 faults in outcrop that range from sand-prone  to shale-prone gouge and an intermediate sand/shale ratio gouge.  These faults demonstrate a spectrum of gouge composition and of seal behaviourThe left-most fault displaces Tertiary sandstone and the gouge consists solely of sand.  The center fault displaces Jurassic shale and limestone and the gouge consists of both shale and limestone.  The right-most fault displaces a Jurassic limestone-shale sequence and the gouge consists of a 1 m thick layer of shale.  Only small amounts of the more brittle limestones are incorporated in the gouge.
    15 Clay Smearing on Microscopic Scale
    16 Effectiveness of Fault Sealing Mechanisms
    17 Sealing Capacity of Faults
    Hd = 2gh(rt-1-rp-1)/g(rw-rh)rt = pore throat radius in the sealrp = pore throat radius in the reservoirgh = hydrocarbon-formation water interface tension(Oil: 5-35 dynes/cm Gas: dynes/cm).rw = density of the formation water (1 – 1.2 gm/cm3)rh = density of the hydrocarbon phase (Oil: 0.5 –1.0 gm/cm3 Gas: g/cm3)g = acceleration due to gravity
    18 ModellingEmpirical methods for risking the sealing potential of faults have been devised in combination with outcrop and laboratory studiesEstimates the sealing potential of a fault offsetting a particular sequence and therefore the entry pressureFor a detailed modelidentify where a fault is sealed and where leakage may occurestablish where significant pressure differences are likely to besupported across a fault surface and their magnitudeunderstanding of the migration pathway and the column heightCan use models to predict the flow and flow restrictions of hydrocarbons due to fault properties using a programs such as the SEMI migration model or TransGenSuch modelling can only be achieved by 3-D analysis of the geometry and sealing characteristics of faults

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-5 22:44
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-4-19 17:06:25 | 显示全部楼层
    19  Calculating fault properties
    Calculate the Shale Gauge Ratio on the fault surface and convert to fault seal potential
    Calculate the reservoir elevation at fault traces
    Construct a sequence/throw juxtaposition diagram form log and lithological information
    Input sequence containing shale values and reservoir offset
    In this example, throw is between zero and thickness of sequence - triangular plot
    Plot is annotated according to SGR

    20  What Controls Seal Effectiveness and Fluid Transmissibility
    Hydrostatic / Capillary
    Buoyancy control
    Hydrodynamic / Capillary:
    Fluid pressure gradient control
    Hydrodynamic / Open Fractures
    Network Geometry, aperture and pressure gradient control

    21  Column Heights
    Two distinct geometries have to be considered when estimating oil column heights
    When fault throw is less than the thickness of the reservoir and the reservoir is self juxtaposed. Column height is determined by the threshold pressure
    When the fault throw exceeds the thickness of the carrier interval, oil leakage occurs along the fault. Leakage can occur along fault surface if fault is not sealing
    Column Height is determined by the depth (Z), density of oil and water (po, pw) and gravity (g)

    22  Potential Oil Column Heights
    Oil column heights
    Shale smear / cementation
    Fine sandstone
    Coarse sandstone
    .1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
    Pore throat radius (log cm)

    23  Migration
    Migration is the movement of hydrocarbons though rock pores and fault networks
    Migration is driven by buoyancy and resisted by capillary pressure
    Leakage occurs when the entry pressure (Pe) equals the pressure of oil and water (Po, Pw)
    Po Po Pw
    24  Flow Model Predictions
    It is possible to predict fault properties and attach them to flow models, eg. TransGen (Mansocchi et al 1999)
    Attach a transmissibility multiplier – a unique property attached to the face of a grid block
    Transmissibility is assessed using the length of the block (Lg), the permeability (k) and the fault thickness (tf)
    Transmissibility of 0 is sealing, 1 is for unimpeded cross-flow

    25  Applications of Modelling Fault Sealing
    Using different fault sealing properties to perform migration modelling
    In this example the following conditions exist
    reservoir contains known hydrocarbon accumulations
    different hydrocarbon-water contact levels in adjacent fault blocks
    a dry fault-bounded structural high exists
    All indicate that faults and fault sealing play a key role in hydrocarbon distribution and migration
    Different fault seal properties result in different hydrocarbon distributions and migration pathways

    26  All faults are open with no fault sealing – small accumulation in east and spills to the south
    Larger accumulation of hydrocarbons due to sealing capacity of bounding faults with little excess spilling to east

    27  Ninian Field - Juxtaposition
    Lower Jurassic marine shale, Dunlin Group, overlain by Middle Jurassic Brent Group, a prime reservoir in the area
    The Kimmeridge Clay acts as a cap to the formation and is an excellent hydrocarbon source
    Several faults place the Brent Group against the older Dunlin Group
    In the horst block the Brent Group is faulted against the Kimmeridge clay

    28  Moab Fault - Juxtaposition
    Due to exposure at surface lithologies can be defined using field and published data.
    The lithological descriptions can be used to model the geometry of the fault yielding juxtaposed seal analysis.
    Sand units in the hangingwall and footwall are seen sealed due to the fault.
    Areas with less displacement represent leak points along the fault.

    29  Moab Fault - SGR
    Modeling of shale gouge ratios along the fault are consistent with field observations.
    Greatest SGR where displacement is greatest
    Juxtaposition predicted pathways in the north remain
    Those in the central region are sealed by clay smear

    30  Entrada Sandstone & Cementation
    Hydrocarbon bearing reducing fluids
    Cementation occurred post faulting and was coeval with but not related to hydrocarbon migration
    Calcite cementation occurred around faults but the faults were not conduits
    Cements related to the faults acted as ephemeral seals causing fluid pressure fluctuations
    Increased pressure due to ponding of hydrocarbons caused dissolution of earlier calcite deposits…
    …subsequent pressure release resulted in exsolution of gaseous CO2, forming calcit structures

    31  Artemis Field, North Sea
    The Artemis field is much smaller scale than the Moab Fault region
    Accumulations of gas migrate through the reservoir toward high south eastern corner…
    ….however gas also accumulates in the footwall and hangingwall of faults
    No one fault has produced a seal for hydrocarbons but the combined result of the many faults has created many local trapping geometries.

    32  Conclusion
    Faults as Fluid Flow Barriers and Their Role in Trapping Hydrocarbons
    In this presentation we have briefly shown how faults serve as fluid flow barriers by forming low transmissivity membranes, and their further role in trapping hydrocarbons by juxtaposing lithologies of differing permeabilities.

    33  References
    The Moab Fault, Utah, U.S.A. - A Three-Dimensional Approach to Fault Seal and Hydrocarbon Flow Pathway Modelling - S.M. Clarke, S.D. Burley & G.D. Williams
    The 3D fault segmentation development: A conceptual model. Implications on fault sealing A. BENEDICTO1, T. RIVES2 AND R. SOLIVA1- EAGE, In : Proceedings Fault and Top Seals, Extended Abstracts volume, ISBN , Montpellier, September 2003
    A Method for Including The Capillary Properties of Faults in Hydrocarbon Migration Models O Sylta, C Childs, S Moriya, JJ Walsh, T Manzocchi
    An Exhumed Paleo-Hydrocarbon Migration Fairway In a Faulted Carrier System, Entrada Sandstone of SE Utah, USA – Garden, Guscott, Burley, Foxford, Walsh and Marshall
    Knipe, R.J., Jones, G., and 1998 Fisher, Q.J. Faulting fault sealing and fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs: An introduction. In: Faulting Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, edited by Jones, G., 1998 Fisher, Q.J andKnipe, R.J. Geological Society of London Special Publication 147, p 7-21
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