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    发表于 2019-3-22 21:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 xinmeng 于 2019-3-22 21:01 编辑

    Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(2): 175-186


    Study on array laterolog response simulation and mud-filtrate invasion correction
    Peiqiang Zhao, Ruidong Qin, Heping Pan, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Yuqi Wu
    (Published: 2019-03-10)
    CorrespondingAuthor and Email:
    Heping Pan, panpinge@163.com;

    Citation: Zhao, P., Qin, R., Pan, H., Ostadhassan, M., Wu, Y. Study on array laterolog response simulation and mud-filtrate invasion correction. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(2): 175-186, doi: 10.26804/ager.2019.02.07.

    ArticleType: Original article

          It is a complicated task to evaluate the reservoirs influenced by mud-filtrate invasion. This study presents numerical simulation results of array laterolog response and the approach for mud-filtrate invasion correction. Considering differential equations and boundary conditions of the steady current field in the rock medium, finite element method (FEM) is utilized to solve the Laplace equation. Then the potential value at each node is calculated along with the apparent resistivity of six measuring modes of array laterolog. Based on the numerical results, the array laterolog response is affected by various parameters including borehole radius, mud-filtrate resistivity, mud-filtrate invasion radius and invaded zone resistivity. Correction charts for borehole and mud-filtrate invasion are developed to accurately obtain the mud-filtrate invasion depth and the true resistivity of the uninvaded formation. The correction chart has been applied to the real array laterolog data of a sandstone reservoir, which the corrected resistivity is closer to the true formation resistivity.
    Keywords: Array laterolog, numerical simulation, finite element method, mud-filtrate invasion.


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    阳光公告 + 5 精品资料,感谢楼主


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