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本帖最后由 宁坤 于 2018-2-23 18:43 编辑
AGER页岩热成熟度问题及建模专刊(Shale Thermal Maturity Issues and Modelling),由David A. Wood教授,青年千人谭静强教授等共同发起!欢迎投稿!
Special Issue for Advancesin Geo-Energy Research (AGER)
Call for Papers for a Special Issue: Shale Thermal Maturity Issues andModelling Variousthermal-maturity-related topics will be covered, including the influencekerogen types and their geochemistry on the prospectivity of organic-richshales
1. Objectivesand relevance of thermal-maturity-related topics
The evaluation, exploration and exploitation of shale resources isgaining pace around the world, but many complex technical issues remain poorlydefined. The variable mineralogical, chemical, pore-geometry and thermalmaturity characteristics of organic-rich shales means that there is a hugediversity of potentially prospective shale formations, many of which lackdetail study and understanding. Being able to measure clarify and predict moreclearly the evolution of thermal maturity and its impact on the timing andextent of oil and gas generation is essential. Obtaining and interpreting accurate and reliable measures of thermalmaturity (vitrinite reflectance, geochemical biomarkers, pyrolysis/Rock-Evalmetrics) is typically time consuming and costly, and the data they provideoften involve some ambiguities. Moreover, the models currently used, and the reaction-rate kineticsapplied to the kerogens making up the organic matter in shales frequentlyinvolve crucial assumptions that have huge impacts on the timing of generation,migration, and potential productivity that thermal maturity models derive. Consequently, there is an ongoing need toimprove our understanding of the factors influencing the timing of peak oil andgas generation in different types of shale, and how that relates to changes ingeomechanical rock properties and the potential oil and gas production sweetspots. This special issue will consider for inclusion technical papers thevarious topics which fall within its broad scope, including, but not limitedto, the various issues related to the thermal maturity of organic-rich shalesthat impact the potential production of oil and gas from those resources.
2. Keywords: Thermal maturity;shale gas / oil productivity; maturity modelling; kerogen types, vitrinitereflectance; geochemical thermal maturity indices; pyrolysis data analysis; Rock-Evaldata; kerogen conversion rates; well-log indices of thermal maturity; micro-andnano-scale characterization.
3. Contributionsbeing sought
We invite prospective authors, colleagues, researchgroups and industry practitioners working in the related fields of shale gasand oil thermal maturity and productivity to contribute to this special volumeon “Shale Thermal Maturity Issues andModelling” with original, full-length research articles, experimentalstudies, review articles, case studies and discussions. Potential topicsinclude, but are not limited to: · kerogen types and their different kineticbehaviours · thermal maturity modelling and petroleum conversionrate prediction · geochemical and other thermal maturity indicatorsproviding insight to the level of maturity reach across the main oil and gasgeneration windows and into post-maturity · Interactions of geochemical and geodynamic criteriarelated to organic-rich shales · Regional case studies from shale provinces relatingthermal maturity data to a wide range of shale characteristics and properties · Wireline and other log analysis and the predictionof thermal maturity and kerogen type.
4. Schedulefor this special issue
The following schedule summarizesthe submission, review, and publication deadlines for articles to be includedin this special volume: No. | | | | Open for authors to submit manuscripts, see submission guidelines below | | | Deadline for all full paper submissions | | | Final date of editorial recommendation returned to authors | | | Final date of all revised manuscripts submission | | | Final date of editorial decisions/amendments on all revised papers | | | Final date of submission of all the manuscripts for publication | | | Tentative publication date (for printed manuscripts) | |
Note: Papers willbe published online as soon as accepted and edited and will be assigned a DOInumber.
5. SubmissionGuidelines
Paper submissions should be up to10,000 words for comprehensive reviews, up to 8,000 words for theoreticalpapers with broad technical studies and up to 5,500 words for case studies. All papers should be developed, formatted, andsubmitted online based upon the editorial guidelines provided in theinstructions for authors for “Advances in Geo-Energy Research”, whichcan be accessed from http://www.astp-agr.com
Pleasemention that your manuscript is for the thermal maturity special issue when yousubmit it. Upon receipt of the completed documents, a minimumof two or three independent reviewers will be selected to provide peer reviewsfor each document. If papers for the volume are accepted for publication afterpeer review, they will be published in the online edition of the journal withinapproximately 3 weeks of acceptance. At that time, they become part of thecitable literature with a DOI number? The actual collation of the collection ofpapers as a special volume will follow later. Thus, submitted manuscripts donot wait on the last paper of the volume to be accepted and are thusimmediately available to the community after acceptance. There are no fees payable to submit or publisharticles in this journal.
6. EditorialTeam
Managing Editor: Dr. David Wood Principal Consultant, DWA Energy Limited, London,UK
Proposed GuestEditorial Team:
Prof. Jingqiang Tan Central South University Changsha, China
Dr. Bodhisatwa Hazra Coal Petrology Section, CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Digwadih Campus, Dhanbad, India