【文件名】 Review of natural gas hydrates as an energy resource: Prospectsand challenges
【文件格式】 PDF
【页数】 20
【内容介绍】 Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel and has been identified as a strong candidate for energyresource compared to oil and coal. Natural gas hydrate is an energy resource for methane that has a carbonquantity twice more than all fossil fuels combined and is distributed evenly around the world. Severalfield trials on energy production from hydrate resources have been conducted, and their outcomesrevealed the possibility of energy production from hydrate resources. In this paper, we review variousstudies on resource potential of natural gas hydrate, the current research progress in laboratory settings,and several recent field trials. Possible limitation in each production method and the challenges to beaddressed for large scale production are discussed in detail. Whilst there are no technology stoppers toexploit or produce methane from hydrates, specific technological breakthroughs will depend on the effectivemanagement of the sand and water during production, as well as the appropriate mitigation of environmentalrisks.
Keywords:Gas hydrates; Natural gas; Energy recovery; Energy resource ;Methane hydrates ;Unconventional gas
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jIOU53C |