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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-11-10 17:17
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    发表于 2017-11-11 17:48:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    It is our (Dr. Jingsheng Ma, Dr. Jun Li and I) great honor to be invited toorganize a Minisymposia: “Pore structure characterization andmicro-scale effect on fluid flow in unconventional reservoir” at the Interpore 10th AnnualMeeting and Jubilee Conference, May 14-17, 2018, New Orleans, USA.
    For more information about the Conference,please click: https://events.interpore.org/event/2/
    We, as organizersof the MiniSymposia, welcome all contributors working in the areaof UnconventionalReservoir Development submit your research papers.
    We invite researchers to contribute original research papers to Minisymposia:
    MS 1.24: Pore structurecharacterization and micro-scale effect on fluid flow in unconventionalreservoir
    The development of shaleoil/gas will be one significant way to increase energy production. However,shale oil/gas reservoirs have the characteristics of complex and tight porestructure, in which the porosity and permeability are very low, and the fluidflow is non-linear and has Klinkenberg slippage effect in shale gas. So, it’sdifficult to study the pore-scale flows of shale oil/gas using traditional labexperiments. To address the above issues, the multi-component and multi-scaledigital cores will be constructed based on CT scan, focused ion beam scanningelectron microscopes (FIB-SEM) and superposition and coupling algorithm. Thepore network model will be extracted to reflect realistic 3D topologies, theemphasis of which is to identify micro fracture. Then, the pore structure ofshale oil/gas reservoir can be studied. Effect of micro scale on shale oil flowcan be explored via Lattice-Boltzmann method and directly solving N-S equationmethod based on digital core and pore network model. Other kinetic methods(e.g., DSBGK method and DVM) can be used to study the shale gas flows based onthe digital rock geometries. Experiments of nitrogen adsorption, pressuredecay, intrusive mercury and displacement for shale samples can also beimplemented to complement the numerical study. These researches will uncoverthe characteristics of pore structure and the mechanism of pore-scale flow inshale reservoirs, which will provide theoretical foundation for the developmentof shale oil/gas reservoir.
    The Abstract can be submitted at: https://events.interpore.org/event/2/abstracts/. Please remember that when you submit yourAbstract at the above address, choose the Minisymposia code number MS 1.24.
     The Abstract submission isopen from Nov. 2 to Dec. 4, 2017. For otherimportant dates, please visit: https://events.interpore.org/event/2/.
    We look forward to meetingyou at the Conference.
    Yongfei Yang, China University of Petroleum(East China)
    Jingsheng Ma, Heriot-Watt University
    Jun Li, King Fahd University of Petroleumand Minerals

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-11-20 00:52
  • 签到天数: 4 天


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