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[经验分享] A Porothermoelastic Wellbore Model in Oil and Gas Saturated Naturally Fractur...

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-3-14 15:01
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    发表于 2017-11-8 21:46:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    A Porothermoelastic Wellbore Model in Oil and Gas Saturated Naturally Fractured Porous Media

    Rajesh Nair (University of Oklahoma) | Younane Abousleiman(University of Oklahoma)

    The impact of initial oil saturation and presence of fractures on hole stability has been analyzed using a three-dimensional, fully-coupled multi-phase finite element model. The model accounts for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling as well as solubility of gas in oil and evaporation of oil into gas in both the rock matrix and fractures. In addition, the viscosities of the oil and gas phases, formation volume factors for oil and gas, gas-oil solubility ratio, oil volatility ratio and the saturations are assumed to be dependent on the temperature. The model is verified with analytical solutions for the limiting case of a medium saturated with a single fluid. A parametric study is carried out varying the initial oil saturation and fracture parameters and the changes to the stress state around the wellbore are assessed. A preliminary analysis of failure study shows that the presence of fractures and lower initial oil saturation increases the failure potential.


    A Porothermoelastic Wellbore Model in Oil and Gas Saturated Naturally Fractured .pdf

    267 KB, 下载次数: 2

    售价: 2 阳光币  [记录]

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-9-30 15:25
  • 签到天数: 328 天


    发表于 2017-11-9 11:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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