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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-2 15:16
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2017-7-24 09:20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    1. 中国海洋石油总公司采办部采购招标中心和中化建国际招标有限责任公司(以下简称:招标代理机构)受中海石油(中国)有限公司蓬勃作业公司(以下简称:招标人)委托,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:


    数    量:3套


    CEPB:2017年11月20日; 交货地点:山东青岛

    WHPV: 2017年10月15日;交货地点:CIF天津新港
    CEPB: 2017年11月5日;交货地点:CIF青岛港



    (2)次氯酸钠装置需按照《海上固定平台安全规则》的要求进行设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托国家安全生产监督管理总局海洋石油作业安全办公室(COOOSO)认可的船级社(ABS, LIoyd‘s, DNV,CCS,BV)对设备橇块整体进行检验并获得检验证书。


    (4) 电解铜铝装置橇块需按照《海上固定平台安全规则》的要求进行设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托国家安全生产监督管理总局海洋石油作业安全办公室(COOOSO)认可的船级社(ABS,LIoyd’s,DNV,CCS,BV)对设备橇块整体进行检验并获得检验证书。

    3. 有兴趣的合格投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:从2017年7月21日开始至2017年7月28日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb/)购买招标文件(电子版)。投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或300美元(受益人:中化建国际招标有限责任公司,美元开户行:交通银行北京分行和平里支行,美元账号:110060224146300007037,SWIFTCODE:COMMCNSHBJG),售后不退。

    4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于2017年8月15日10:30时(北京时间)前递交至北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层308室。

    5. 开标时间:定于2017年8月15日10:30时(北京时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。 开标地点:北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层308室。

    6. 本次招标公告同时在中国国际招标网(www.chinabidding.com)上发布。












    Invitation for Bids (IFB)
    Project: PL19-3 Oil Field 1/3/8/9 Area Development Adjustment Hypo chlorinator Skid ,CU-AL ELECTOLYZER SKIDS
    Bid No: 0734-1740JDCP0305/01
    Date: July 21, 2017
    1.     China National Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement & Tendering Centre and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited PENGBO Operating Company (hereinafter called "Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:
    Name of Goods: Hypo chlorinator Skid ,CU-AL ELECTOLYZER SKIDS
    Q’ty: 3 Sets
    Delivery Schedule:
    From within PRC:
    WHPG:November 20,2017;Delivery to Construction Site of Tanggu,Tianjin,P.R.China
    WHPV: October 30,2017;Delivery to Construction Site of Tanggu,Tianjin,P.R.China
    CEPB: Novembe r20,2017; Delivery to Construction Site of Qingdao,Shandong,P.R.China

    From outside PRC:
    WHPG:November 5,2017;Delivery to Xingang seaport, Tianjin,P.R.China
    WHPV: October 15,2017; Delivery to Xingang seaport, Tianjin,P.R.China
    CEPB: November 5,2017;Delivery to Qingdao seaport, Shandong,P.R.China

    2. Qualification Requirements
    (1) The Hypo chlorinator Skid that bidder supplied should be the manufacturer’s mature products, unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable. At least two projects (the same type) had successfully operated in marine environment (Offshore Oil Platform or FPSO) for two years (From the signature date of commissioning acceptance report or the certificate of operation time issued by the user). The VENDOR shall provide the relevant supporting documents (contract and commissioning acceptance report or contract and the effective certificate issued by the user). If the name of the facility and the user’s information are not included in the above documents, the bidder shall provide the valid documentation
    (2) The Hypo chlorinator Skid shall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by State Economic & Trade Commission. PRC(SETC). Supplier shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The Hypo chlorinator Skid from one of the certifying agencies authorized by COOOSO, which are ABS, LIoyd's, DNV,CCS,BV
    (3)The Cu-Al Electrolyzer Skid that bidder supplied should be the manufacturer’s mature products, unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable. At least two projects (the same type) had successfully operated in marine environment (Offshore Oil Platform or FPSO) for two years (From the signature date of commissioning acceptance report or the certificate of operation time issued by the user). The VENDOR shall provide the relevant supporting documents (contract and commissioning acceptance report or contract and the effective certificate issued by the user). If the name of the facility and the user’s information are not included in the above documents, the bidder shall provide the valid documentation.
    (4) The Cu-Al Electrolyzer Skids shall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by State Economic & Trade Commission. PRC(SETC). Supplier shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The Cu-Al Electrolyzer Skids from one of the certifying agencies authorized by COOOSO, which are ABS, LIoyd's, DNV,CCS,BV.
    3.     All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to : enter into website https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from July 21, 2017 to July 28, 2017 upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2,000 or USD300 for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.: 110060224146300007037,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents.
    4.     The deadline and place for submission of bid: Bids must be delivered to Room 308,3rd. Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China for submission of bids before 10:30 a.m. (Beijing time) on August 15, 2017 .
    5.     Time and place of Bid Opening:Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 10:30 a.m. (Beijing time) on August 15, 2017 at Room 308,3rd. Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China for bid-opening.
    6.     The notice of Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.chinabidding.com  simultaneously.
    Name of Purchaser: CNOOC China Limited PENGBO Operating Company
    Address: Room 1015,Building C, NO.2121,Haichuan Road,Binhai New Area,Tianjin,China., 300459
    Contact Person: Sun Guozhu
    Telephone: +86-21-66502587
    Name of Tendering Agent: China National Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement & Tendering Centre and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
    Detailed Address: Floor 4,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China
    Contact person: Chen Sicong
    Telephone: +86-10-59890954

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-17 11:23
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2017-7-24 09:39:51 | 显示全部楼层
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