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[1] Yang Yongfei*,Liu Jie,Yao Jun,Kou Jianlong,Li Zheng,Wu Tianhao,Zhang Kai,Zhang Lei,Sun Hai. Adsorption behaviors of shale oil in kerogen slit by molecular simulation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,387:124054. (SCI检索号:WOS:000527331600048;EI检索号:20200408071021)中科院一区Top,T1,ESI高被引 [2] Yang Yongfei*,Li Yingwen,Yao Jun,Iglauer Stefan,Luquot Linda,Zhang Kai,Sun Hai,Zhang Lei,Song Wenhui,Wang Zhiyu. Dynamic pore-scale dissolution by CO2-saturated brine in carbonates: Impact of homogeneous versus fractured versus vuggy pore structure[J]. Water Resources Research,2020,56(4):e2019WR026112. (SCI检索号:WOS:000538987800025;EI检索号:20201808597589)中科院一区Top,T1 [3] Yang Yongfei*,Wang Ke,Zhang Lei,Sun Hai,Zhang Kai,Ma Jingsheng. Pore-scale simulation of shale oil flow based on pore network model[J]. Fuel,2019,251(September):683-692. 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