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World Conference on Climate Change

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    2013-3-3 12:12
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    发表于 2016-6-12 08:04:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Minimizing Effects of Climate Change through Updatingour Understanding

    ConferenceSeries LLC takes pleasure in announcing the World Conference on Climate Changeduring October 24-26, 2016 at Valencia, Spain with a focus on “Updatingour Understanding: Earth's Climate is Warming

    Prominentscholars and researchers including Olga Kalashnikova, Jet PropulsionLaboratory, USA; Lahouari Bounoua, National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration, USA; Gene Fry, Energy Efficiency & Global warmingConsultant, USA; Agustin J  Colussi,California Institute of Technology, USA; Douglas Ray, Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory, USA; Norman P. A. Huner, University of Western Ontario,Canada; Zhanqing Li, University of Maryland, USA; Bruce Barrett, University ofWisconsin, USA; Frederick House, Emeritus, Drexel University, USA; Nils-AxelMorner, Emeritus, Stockholm University, Sweden; Jaime Senabre, SINIF, Spain;Lorenzo Mentaschi, European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC), Italy;Elena Gonzalez-Sanchez, Spanish National ESCO Association, Spain will  be delivering valuable keynote speech at ClimateChange 2016.

    Several prominent speakers fromacross the globe that are part of this event include Serap Goncu, CukurovaUniversity, Turkey; Lianbiao Cui, Anhui University of Finance and Economics,China; Lili Wei, Chinese Academy of Science, China; Hu Yongle, ResearchInstitute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, China; Li Liu, JilinUniversity, China; Zhaoliang Song, Tianjin University, China; Ranajit Ghose,Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; Dou Hongen, Research Instituteof Petroleum Exploration and Development, China; Trepekli Aikaterini,Democritus University of Thrace, Greece; Yasmin Abdelraouf, University of NewSouth Wales, Australia; Greg Hampton, University of Wollongong, Australia;Rafael Camarillo Blas, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain; Jose Sanchezdel Rio Saez, Alter Technology, Spain.

    Importantsessions at Climate Change 2016 include ClimateChange & Climatology; Evidence of Climate Changes; Global Warming Effectsand Causes; Climate Change: Biodiversity Scenarios; Carbon Cycle; ClimateHazards; Climate Change and Health; CO2 Capture and Sequestration; Risks ofClimate Change; Effective Adaptation; Energy Policy; Climate Change Challenges;Climate Change Law and Policy; Oceans and Climate Change; Sustainability &Climate Change; Renewable Energy to Mitigate Climate Change; Pollution and itsEffects on Climate; Solutions for Climate Change.

    Three workshops have been scheduled during ClimateChange 2016. Prof. Christopher Bryant, Universities of Montreal and Guelph, Canadaholds his session on “Adaptation and resilience building for human activitiesto cope with climate change and variability. Prof. Lianbiao Cui, AnhuiUniversity of Finance and Economics, China conducts a workshop on “Economicevaluation of Chinese electricity price marketing based on a dynamiccomputational general equilibrium model” and Prof. Serap Goncu, CukurovaUniversity, Turkey involve the audience with her scientific programme “Futurerisks and opportunities of climate change on animal farming”.

    ClimateChange 2016 provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working in this fieldto showcase their achievements. It is expected to attract renowned speakers, principalinvestigators, experts and researchers from both academia and health careindustry to join together and discuss their views and research.

    Foronline abstract Submission and to detailed list of conference topics, please gothrough this link: http://climatechange.conferenceseries.com/call-for-abstracts.php

    Formore information related to the subject of this release can contact:

    Ravindra Singh

    Climate ChangeConference

    P: +1- 702 5085201

    Scientific Program_ClimateChange 2016.pdf

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