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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 04:29
  • 签到天数: 163 天


    发表于 2016-4-14 12:36:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 kev 于 2016-4-14 12:38 编辑


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    By Charles Kennedy of Oilprice.com


    End Of An Era:Peabody Declares Bankruptcy

    In a sign of the times, the world’s largest privatesector coal miner just went bankrupt.
    The St. Louis-basedPeabody Energy Corp. warned a month ago that it was considering filing forChapter 11 bankruptcy, and on Wednesday they made it official.Peabody’s mines will continue to operate uninterrupted through the bankruptcyprocess. According to Peabody’s court filing, it has obtained $800 million indebtor-in-possession financing facilities.

    “Through today’s action, we will seek an in-court solution to Peabody’ssubstantial debt burden amid a historically challenged industry backdrop. Thisprocess enables us to strengthen liquidity and reduce debt, build upon thesignificant operational achievements we’ve made in recent years and lay thefoundation for long-term stability and success in the future,” the company saidin a press release.

    Peabody has suffered a dramaticfall from grace, after paying $5.1billion to acquire major coal-producing assets in Australia in 2011. Sincethen, coal prices have collapsed, coal demand has ground to a halt, andPeabody’s debt has piled up. In the U.S., cheap naturalgas and environmental regulation has led to coal’s downfall inthe electric power sector. Abroad, a slowdown in China has hurt both thermaland metallurgical coal demand. China’s demand for steel has slowed and it isundertaking a shift away from coal because of air pollution, leaving theworld’s top coal producers with a vastly smaller market than they had expectedjust a few years ago.

    U.S. coal exports have declined inrecent years, leaving Peabody – who oversees large mining operations in Wyoming– with too much coal and not enough demand. U.S. coal exports fell by 23percent in 2015 compared to a year earlier.

    Peabody’s bankruptcy is the latest in a string ofbankruptcies from major coal producers, including Arch Coal, Alpha NaturalResources, Patriot Coal, and Walter Energy.

    By Charles Kennedy of Oilprice.com

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