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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 04:29
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    发表于 2016-4-8 13:39:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 kev 于 2016-4-8 13:43 编辑


    都是最新的Oil price的头条,不含个人观点,版权归属大公司----- Oilprice.com   / Copyrights reserve, Oilprice.com






    从2014年起,沙特的储备就有一个约1500亿美金的严重消耗。光说2015年,在国际油价跌至均价48.67美元一桶时,沙特就在储备上划去了1150亿美金。而在2016年一月,汇丰的经济学家Simon Williams和 Razan Nazzer发表的报告中,沙特的外汇储备下跌了超过140亿美金。

    美国的EIA预估油价在2016年均价为34.04/b,在2017年略微上涨至40.09/b。如果原油价格均价在2017年底仍然低于40美元,那么沙特在未来两年中将面临可能失去另外1500到2000亿美金左右的储备。另一部分专家认为,如果油价无法回温,沙特的储备将可能在2018年降至 2000亿美金。



    王子殿下期望从出售阿美石油的旗舰股份的5%以获取一笔巨大的资金。毫无疑问,阿美石油将会被估成天价 -- 不管怎么样,沙特阿美石油公司每天产出的1000万桶原油已经堪比全美国的石油公司每天产能的总和。当然这依然无法比拟沙特皇冠珠宝的价值。



    当然,这里有人会异议10美元一桶的油价实在过低。不过在一个研究比较中表明国营公司基本展现出一个很类似的价格。例如俄罗斯石油公司,一个每天出产500万桶的公司,市场资本估价为350万亿美元。 或者,掌控巴西大部分石油的巴西国家石油公司,也被估计为230亿美金。只有中国的石油公司有一个比较高的估价。

    虽然沙特代理皇太子殿下的蓝本看起正在往正确的方向发展,国际原油价格和价格评估的方法目前来看还是不太支持他的想法。如果阿美石油公司的市值估计接近2.5万亿美金,它的利润将远远超过谷歌和苹果公司。 然而这些依然无法足够的资金满足沙特2万亿基金计划的需求。之后沙特将完善的具体核心策略,届时我们可以得到更加详尽的剖析。

    ByRakesh Upadhyay for Oilprice.com

    翻译:Kevin Yang


    How Realistic Is Saudi Arabia’s $2 TrillionSovereign Wealth Fund?


    Though Saudi Arabia’s plan ofa $2 trillion fund exudes power andconfidence, raising a mega fund of that size is practically next to impossible, unless crude oilprices see a significant appreciation or Saudi Arabia plans to sell a higherportion of Aramco.

    TheSaudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has outlined ambitious plans forthe future of the Kingdom in his five-hour long interview with Bloomberg. Hewants to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil; however, there are numeroushiccups to his proposed plans.

    Saudi reserves are depleting at a fast pace

    From its peak in 2014, the Saudi reserves havedepleted by a whopping $150 billion. In 2015 alone, the Kingdom consumed $115billion in reserves, when the crude oil prices averaged $48.67 per barrel. Evenin January 2016, the FX reserves dropped by more than $14 billion, according tothe HSBC economists Simon Williams and Razan Nazzer, asreported by the business insider.

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)expects crude oil prices to average $34.04/b in 2016 and $40.09/b in 2017. Ifthe crude oil averages below $40 till the end of 2017, the Saudi Kingdom willlikely lose another $150 to 200 billion from their reserves in the next twoyears. A few experts expect the reserves to drop to $200 billion by 2018 ifthe oil prices don’t recover.

    Ifthe reserves drop below a critical level, Saudi Arabia will be unable tomaintain the riyal’s peg to the U.S. dollar. Abandoning the peg will usher in adifferent set of problems, which the Kingdom cannot afford.

    Aramco might not command a valuation of more than $2.5trillion

    PrinceSalman expects to raise large sums from the sale of 5 percent in the flagshipSaudi Aramco. There is no doubt that Aramco will be valued astronomically;after all, it pumps 10 million barrels per day, which is the equivalent of whatall the companies combined in the U.S. pump each day. However, it is difficultto arrive at a valuation for the crown jewel of Saudi Arabia.

    Aramco also has roughly 260 billion barrels of oilreserves. Considering a $10 per barrel valuation of the reserves, Aramco willbe worth more than $2.5 trillion. Asthe Prince plans to divest only a 5 percent stake in the giant, it turns out tobe closer to $125 billion, which is roughly equal to the amount of reservesthat Saudi Arabia drew from its foreign reserves in 2015 as a result of low oilprices.

    Thusa 5 percent stake sale in Aramco will only replenish theforeign reserves used up in a single year.

    Thougha few might argue that a $10/b valuation is too low, a comparative study of theother existing state-run oil companies shows a similar valuation across theboard. The Russian Rosneft OAO, which pumps 5 million barrels a day, has amarket capitalization of $35 billion. Similarly, Petroleo Brasileiro SA, whichcontrols a large part of the Brazilian oil, is valued at $23 billion. Only theChinese companies such as PetroChina have higher valuations.

    Hence,generating $2 trillion in the next few years by selling only 5 percent inAramco, especially with oil at such low levels, will be a tall ask.

    Thoughthe plans of the Saudi Arabian deputy crown prince seem to be heading in theright direction, oil prices and valuation mathematics don’t seem to besupporting them. If the market values Aramco close to $2.5 trillion, it willdwarf Google and Apple by a huge margin, but this valuation will not fetch theKingdom sufficient money for it to launch a $2 trillion fund. We will get moreclarity when the Kingdom lays down its concrete strategy.

    ByRakesh Upadhyay for Oilprice.com

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