| | structural framework是最近版本新加的功能,考了很多 专业级 看Geology那本书基本, | | 专家级看structure modeling那本
| | 建模几个process的顺序 简单的考了一个图片题需要如何处理相交断层,应该是做一个公共的pillar
| | Step fault是因为有复杂断层还是截断断层才使用的 VBM的和另外两种方法的区别,另外两种方法之间的区别 Fault framework 和horizon modeling这两个process的几个列控制参数都是干什么用的,比如Extrapolate的作用, convex 和sculpture的区别,几种面的类型 截断和逆断层考了一些 局部加密忘了考没考,看的话局部加密在Reservoir engineering那本讲到。Adjust fault-horizon intersections稍微考了一下
Visualize and QC structural models using intersections, filters and geometrical properties | | |
Construct structural framework grids and corner point grids with normal faulting | | |
Construct structural framework grids and corner point grids with reverse and complex faulting, including truncations | | |
Adjust fault-horizon intersections | | x |
Apply local grid refinements | | x |
| | 属性这块感觉相对简单,没有考很具体的东西,Geology这本书基本可以应付 | | 专家级考的内容明显多了,难了,需要好好看property modeling那本书
| | 考了seed 和实现几个realizations的作用 河道建模属于基于什么算法,应该是object 算法
| | 粗化测井数据的渗透率,相和孔隙度的正确推荐算法 使用data analysis 哪个tab还是激活的 Geometrical trend 考了一道 Indicator sequential考了一道 Normal transform 和 截断数据的功能. 在face modeling里边的common tab里边的局部属性更新功能 分析property 可以使哪些window? function,histgram,well section… 神经网络分析离散和连续数据选用estimate 还是 classification Construct a variogram map and sample variogram考了 交互式定义face 的几种方法,神经网络,计算器,手动刷等貌似都考了 Bias的目的 secondary data这块简单提及了
Upscale well log data using default and general settings | | |
Upscale well log data using bias and facies weighting | | x |
Create Facies and Petrophysical properties using processes and calculators | | |
Select appropriate modeling algorithm for geological environment and available data (continuous vs discrete methods) | | |
Condition petrophysical models to existing facies models | | |
Visualize and QC properties using intersections, well sections, players and filters | | |
Create neural networks for estimation and classification | | x |
Construct a variogram map and sample variogram | | x |
Use secondary data sets in modeling algorithms | | x |
Create hierarchical facies models | | x |
Create saturation models using capillary functions