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发表于 2015-11-25 16:32:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 SISpeiying 于 2015-11-26 11:05 编辑


2015年10月30日,斯伦贝谢软件一体化解决方案部门首席技术官Bill Abbott先生应特邀出席第十二届中国石油大学(北京)SPE执行委员会成立大会。会议中,Bill先生发表了题为《地质建模-如何从概念模型向建模工作流转型》的演讲。针对特定的概念模型,他阐述了如何基于软件比如Petrel勘探开发平台,来进行复杂构造的建模流程。基于构建概念模型需用的信息,展示了怎样基于以砂体充注的碎屑岩体系为例的概念模型,延伸发展为工作流概念。针对概念模型和项目目标,他强调了多学科协同工作的重要性。作为结尾,他为学生在全球油气勘探开发行业低迷时期如何度过提出了建议。Bill先生是已在斯伦贝谢工作了26年的资深首席地质专家,并且在斯伦贝谢中国公司担任首席技术官也已将近5年,之前在斯伦贝谢公司其他地区也担任重要职务,例如北美,中东,欧洲以及西非和北非等。

Bill Abbott, SIS Technical Director and Geoscience Business Owner attended the China University of Petroleum Beijing (CUPB) 12th annual SPE student chapter inauguration ceremony on Friday, October 30, 2015. As keynote technical speaker, he presented the topic ‘Geological Modeling – How to go from a Conceptual Model to a Modeling Workflow Concept’, which described the process of defining a complex modeling workflow for a specific conceptual model, using software such as Petrel E&P Platform. He discussed what information and ideas should make up a conceptual model and showed how a workflow concept can be developed based on a conceptual model using an example of a turbidite system with sand-injectites. He discussed the importance of using a multi-domain approach to defining both the conceptual model and the project objectives. He ended with some advice for the students on how to navigate through the global downturn in the E&P industry. Bill is a Principal Geologist with >26 years seniority in Schlumberger and experience with North America, Asia, Middle East, Europe and North and West Africa. He has spent the past 4.5 years working with Schlumberger in Beijing, China.

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-5-27 22:32
  • 签到天数: 96 天


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