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发表于 2015-10-21 13:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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        2015年10月9日,斯伦贝谢软件一体化解决方案部门首席技术官Bill Abbott先生应特邀出席第五届中国(北京)国际海洋石油天然气技术大会并发表题为《在低油价和上游活动低靡环境中求生存-新技术为海上油服带来曙光》的重要演讲。他表示斯伦贝谢对软件研发和其他油田领先技术的投入是非常重要的。斯伦贝谢软件一体化平台(Petrel, Techlog, Avocet 和Studio)能够使客户意识到在当前紧张经济形势下提高效益的重要性,迎接“油气之路”研究过程中的严峻挑战。即通过对油气系统分析到资产优化及生产运营各个阶段进行一体化研究,改进效益,降低风险。

        Bill Abbott, Technical Director for Schlumberger Software Integrated Solutions was a specially invited guest and one of the plenary speakers at the 5th Annual China International Offshore Technology Conference (2015) in Beijing on October 9. He presented ‘Surviving Low Oil Price and Decline in Upstream activities – New Technology creates a silver lining for Offshore Service Sector’ in which he spoke about the importance of the investment that Schlumberger has made in technology and the transformation of the way Schlumberger develops software and other leading oilfield technology. He described the importance of Schlumberger’s integrated software platforms (Petrel, Techlog, Avocet and Studio) in allowing their customers to realize efficiency gains needed to address the challenges of ‘The Hydrocarbon Pathway’ given the tight commercial constraints of the current market. Meeting the challenges of ‘The Hydrocarbon Pathway’ means applying an integrated solution from Petroleum Systems modeling all the way to asset optimization and production operations, which improves efficiency and reduces risk.

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