发表于 2014-10-6 17:22:54
地震属性中也可以做Frequency Filter,在volume attributes里面。
The Frequency filter attribute enables you to specify frequency filtering on a time varying basis applied on the input seismic volume. Multiple time gates can be defined with a taper setting to control the overlap. It is possible to specify different filter and taper types:
Filter types: Butterwoth, Ormsby, Low pass, High pass, Ricker and Klauder
Taper types: Available for Ormsby based tapers (Ormsby, Low and High pass filter types): Cosine, Hanning, Hamming, Bartlett and Papoulis
Filters and Tapers can be combined in order to highlight areas or features of interest.
The left image belongs to the original seismic and the right one has filtered out lower frequencies between 0-12 Hz.
The Frequency Filter attribute is useful for enhancing particular seismic events or to reduce unwanted noise in the data. This can improve on the accuracy of interpretation.