TA的每日心情 | 难过 2025-1-9 12:17 |
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Hydraulic fracturing is an important tool for natural gas and oil exploitation, but its optimization
has been impeded by an inability to observe how the fracture propagates and what its overall
dimensions are. The few experiments in which fractures have been exposed through coring1-3 or
mineback4,5 have shown that hydraulic fractures are complicated multi-stranded structures that
may behave much differently than currently predicted by models. It is clear that model
validation, fracture optimization, problem identification and solution, and field development
have all been encumbered by the absence of any ground truth information on fracture behavior in
field applications.
The solution to this problem is to develop techniques to image the hydraulic fracture in situ from
either the surface, the treatment well, or offset wells. Several diagnostic techniques6 have been
available to assess individual elements of the fracture geometry, but most of these techniques
have limitations on their usefulness. For example, tracers and temperature logs can only measure
fracture height at the wellbore, well testing and production history matching provide a productive
length which may or may not be different from the true fracture length, and tiltmeters can provide
accurate information on azimuth and type of fracture (horizontal or vertical), but length and
height can only be extracted from a non-unique inversion of the data. However, there is a
method, the microseismic technique, which possesses the potential for imaging the entire
hydraulic fracture and, more importantly, its growth history. This paper discusses application of
advanced technology to the microseismic method in order to provide detailed accurate images of
fractures and their growth processes. |