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一、会议简介 2012年控制与信息国际会议(ICCI2012) 将于2012年9月21-23日在中国重庆召开。会议由重庆大学、重庆师范大学、南洋理工大学、上海交通大学、湖南工程学院、北京大学等相关高校联合主办。会议出版物由德国著名的学术出版机构Springer公司旗下的国际期刊Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering series (LNEE, ISSN: 1876-1100),出版并将全部EI核心检索 会议征稿范围主要为以下内容,但不仅限于以下内容: 信息学;控制(通信与控制);控制系统,技术和应用;计算机科学与工程;通信和网络系统,技术和应用;其他的新课题 本次会议接收的论文为全英文论文,论文长度按标准模板排版为7-8页,超过8页将按页加收超页费。 会议优秀论文推荐 ICCI2012将推荐部分优秀论文到相关的源刊上发表,推荐的论文数量不低于80篇,预计将推荐100-120篇文章。
Information, An International Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN: 1343-4500, SCIE) Journal of Networks (EI,ISSN:1796-2056) Journal of Multimedia(EI,ISSN:1796-2048) Journal of Software (EI,ISSN : 1796-217X) 曾经举办并EI核心检索的会议:SMIS2010、IBI2011、ICICA2011、ISEA2011、ICEIM2011、CICA2011、CDMMS2011、OEMA2011 重要日期 第一轮征稿: 投稿截止日期 2012-4-10 录用通知 2012-6-1 注册截止日期 2011-6-10 2012 International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics(ICCI 2012) Call for papers International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics (ICCI 2012) is the first conference that attempts to follow the above idea of hybridization in control, computer, information, communications and applications. ICCI 2012 will be held on September 21-23, 2012, in Chongqing, China, which is organized by Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University, Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Beijing University, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The accepted papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering series (LNEE, ISSN: 1876-1100), which should be indexed by EI and ISTP according the previous LNEE proceedings index results. The conference proceedings will be distributed to all the registered participants via hard copies Topics Informatics ; Cybernetics (Communications and Control) ; Control Systems, Technologies and Applications ; Computer Science and Engineering ; Communication and Network Systems, Technologies and Applications ; Others and emerging new topics ; Paper requirement
Eight-page length in total is allowed for each paper. Up to two additional pages will be permitted by extra charges. Papers must strictly follow the LNEE format available at the conference website. Papers must be submitted electronically as described at the conference website Important Dates Full paper due April 10, 2012 Acceptance notification June 1, 2012 Camera-ready copy June 10, 2012
2012年控制与信息国际会议:http://www.theiast.org/icci2012,由Springer旗下国际期刊LNEE出版并将全部EI检索,近100篇文章推荐到EI和SCI源刊。 第二届智能结构与振动控制国际会议:http://www.theiast.org/isvc2012,由TTP旗下的AMM出版并全部EI检索,近100篇文章推荐到EI和SCI源刊。 2012年艺术、体育材料与管理科学国际会议暨教育材料与教育技术国际会议:http://www.theiast.org/samms2012,由TTP旗下的AMR出版并全部EI检索,近100篇文章推荐到EI和SCI源刊。 2012年先进信息技术与应用国际会议:http://www.theiast.org/iwaita,由7个EI源刊(JA)与2个SCI源刊组成,所有录用文章都由期刊出版并SCI或EI检索。 联系电话:18983701051,13637795721 QQ:1714064990,271693215,42559003