Critical drawdown and critical reservoir pressure logs
For an individual well, critical drawdown and critical reservoir pressure are computed in SPP. Based on this analysis, the well trajectory, perforation diameter and orientation can be optimized to maximize the allowable drawdown for sand free production.
Plug-in Overview
An extension of Petrel Geomechanics (licensed by Petrel RG), SPP provides an analysis of critical drawdown pressure and critical reservoir pressure for both openhole and perforated completions. Predictions, based on failure estimates, provide insight to optimize well location, drilling direction, perforation diameter and orientation, and fluid production rates in a well-production strategy design.
- Calculation of critical drawdown pressure
- Calculation of critical reservoir pressure
- Sand production analysis for reservoir depletion
- Sanding model: SLB or user-defined coefficient
- Index filtering within area of interest
- Integrates with Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics and VISAGE simulations
- Openhole completions for deviated wells
- Oriented perforated completions for vertical wells
- Sector model filter to analyze a particular region of the model
A geomechanical analysis of sand production considers the complex mechanical properties and stress fields including lateral variation and stress rotation to predict a critical drawdown. The SLB sanding model or user-defined calibration factors may be utilized to predict critical drawdown for instantaneous well production or for reservoir depletion scenario.