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石油地质资料专版 今日: 0|主题: 2200|排名: 134 

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[书籍] 沉积岩石学冯增昭第二版(上下1994.09版) attach_img zxilong 2012-10-4 41716 renshilin88 2019-3-7 13:04
[幻灯] 2007年勘探院测井培训班低阻讲课(简版) attachment agree  ...23 春风袅袅 2008-12-16 234412 xmac 2019-3-5 13:02
[其他] 构造地质学(含大地构造) digest heatlevel  ...2345 xuanzhai 2008-11-15 499340 bbcddc 2019-2-25 11:06
[幻灯] 成岩作用与孔隙演化 ppt attachment zzq86 手机认证 2010-5-17 51449 yunzhongxian 2019-2-19 18:18
[幻灯] 盆地分析- 沉积体系分析 attach_img qht715 2014-5-30 2837 qizhi0183 2019-2-12 08:32
[其他] 石油工作不好干 有转行的同志吗 380459770 2019-2-11 1826 stefanieelva 2019-2-11 17:17
[书籍] 谁是建模高数 求指点 380459770 2019-2-11 0854 380459770 2019-2-11 09:51
[书籍] 矿石构造、结构照片描述卡片合集【共257张】 attach_img agree  ...23 桃桃angela 手机认证 2013-1-7 293060 zwx757579 2019-2-8 22:41
[书籍] 油藏地质学(第二版) 课本PDF attach_img xiaobudian11 2019-1-27 1327 xulb 2019-1-28 09:33
[幻灯] 油区构造解析 attach_img Malex 2016-8-10 1656 恋爱百分100 2019-1-27 22:56
[书籍] ***区块须家河组二段、四段储层研究 attachment agree  ...23 admin 2009-2-23 233691 闪闪 2019-1-8 10:29
[书籍] 英文书籍《Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks》 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 天下共主 2012-2-19 817231 xmac 2019-1-2 10:52
[书籍] 【阳光首发★精品资料】全球构造与地球动力学:岩石学与地球化学方法应用实例(201... attach_img agree  ...2 慕梓LYE 2014-6-24 172696 小时候眼睛大 2018-12-30 21:00
[幻灯] 斯伦贝谢(油藏描述)国外培训教材扫描版 申精!! attach_img agree  ...23 panfeng668 2012-8-16 243904 diwufuhui 2018-12-28 09:34
[书籍] Performance forecasting in shale reservoirs attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-9-11 121196 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:28
[书籍] Geostatistical Simulations: Proceedings of the Geostatistical Simulation attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-10-17 2474 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:24
[书籍] Space, Structure and Randomness: Contributions in the Field of Geostatistics... attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-12-4 8864 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:23
[书籍] Geomathematics: Theoretical Foundations, Applications and Future Developments attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-11-13 131123 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:22
[书籍] Geographic Information Systems in Petroleum Exploration and Development attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-10-27 2555 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:21
[书籍] Model-based Geostatistics attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-12-6 9612 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:18
[书籍] Introduction to Geostatistics: Applications in Hydrogeology attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-12-7 3618 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:16
[书籍] Geostatistics Explained: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists attach_img  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-12-8 171621 tod_wang 2018-12-28 09:15
[书籍] An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-12-18 5589 tod_wang 2018-12-27 18:17
[书籍] Basic Steps in Geostatistics: The Variogram and Kriging attach_img agree  ...2 西门吹雪 2017-12-5 151339 tod_wang 2018-12-27 18:16
[书籍] Concepts in Geostatistics attach_img 西门吹雪 2017-12-13 5669 tod_wang 2018-12-27 18:16
[书籍] 【共享】储层量化表征的过去、现在和将来 attachment  ...2 我爱发明 2017-11-13 121133 qizhi0183 2018-12-26 08:45
[幻灯] 古生物自学基础课件 attachment xiaozuo 2018-12-23 1320 wake.up 2018-12-24 23:16
[书籍] 四川盆地普光超大型气田的形成机制 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 admin 2009-2-15 598782 zyytcwh 2018-12-20 11:18
[书籍] 油气开发地球化学 新人帖 attachment yangzenghai 2013-5-17 1757 xiaoyao009 2018-12-18 19:31
[幻灯] 地层对比方法地层对比方法 attachment  ...2 sichuancj 手机认证 2012-10-4 101467 小胖猪白羊 2018-12-17 10:20
[书籍] 讲课2-流体地质学-第二章 attach_img  ...2 我爱发明 2017-1-3 151506 yiwei2004 2018-12-15 17:18
[幻灯] 物源分析方法及研究进展 attachment agree kaige 2009-3-17 71386 slimswallow 2018-12-13 11:22
[幻灯] 林承焰-低渗致密砂岩储层成岩作用的几个相关问题探讨 attach_img agree 吕博士 手机认证 2014-2-10 41089 qizhi0183 2018-12-12 12:54
[幻灯] 火成岩ppt attachment atlas_l 2018-12-11 3356 hanyaozu 2018-12-12 12:51
[书籍] 新编地图学教程 attachment atlas_l 2018-12-11 1271 wake.up 2018-12-11 21:50
[书籍] 火成岩的野外描述pdf attachment atlas_l 2018-12-11 1298 wake.up 2018-12-11 21:49
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